Fish Crazy
Hi all
There seem to be alot of questions regarding oscars and tank sizes, so i thought i would write up abit of a guide...
Oscars are a large, bulky fish, who are VERY messy eaters, they need a large tank with plenty of filtration...
A rough idea of tank sizes
1 oscar - 75 gallons
2 oscars - 100 gallons
3 oscars - 125 gallons
4 oscars - 150 gallons
5+ oscars - 180 gallons +
Tanks mates
Providing you have a large enough aquarium with room for a tank mate, a rough idea of size is the guide above, alot of fish make good companions for and oscar such as:
Blue acaras
Green terrors
Silver dollars
Tinfoil barbs
Blood parrot fish
Large rainbowfish
Large catfish (pimolodus blochii, synodontis eruptus etc)
plus others
If your aquarium is VERY large (300 gal +) may wish to consider the following:
Tiger shovelnose catfish
Mabled pims
Knife fish (clown knife fish, royal clown knife - providing they are alot bigger than the oscar)
tyre tarck/ fire eel
possible stingrays depending on tank size (and must be large) and the temperment of your O.
Filtration is a big MUST for oscars as they are very greedy, and very messy...imo the filter should be running atleast 4 times the tank size, but more the better, plus more fish = bigger filtration
Food / feeding
Oscars will eat pretty much any thing, within reason, but some of the best food to feed them is:
Cichlid pellets
Bloodworms (not really filling once they get bigger but great when small)
Brineshrimp (not really filling once they get bigger but great when small)
Daphnia (not really filling once they get bigger but great when small)
DO NOT feed your oscars feeder fish bought from a store, they have no neutritional value, and have a high risk of carrying diseases, home bread feeder fish are ok as a treat if you so please
Tank decore
Oscars are very bostiorus fish and any loose tall ornaments may be knocked over and damage the fish or tank, oscars dont seem to mind decore, as long as its stable you can decorate your tank how you please, plants will be uprooted, and gravel may be moved around, bog wood, slate, or large pebbles seem to be the best bet, they also dont seem to mind sand...
Tank maintanaince
Weekly water changes are a MUST, if water conditions drop dramatically HITH (hole in the head) can offten occur, this is where the head tends to get infected and thus rott away leaving holes in your fishes head, a bad diet also plays a part in HITH. Oscars are not as sensitive as some fish, so although ammonia and nitrites should be avoided at all costs, they are able to withstand a much larger variety of water conditions. Eg. medium to high nitrates (50ppm). This is not a suggestion, and high nitrates (above 50ppm), will cause health issues over time, but short term it is less likely to affect an Oscar in comparison to alot of fish. These should only occur if for one reason or another you neglect your fish/ fish tank, if you over feed, and if you filter is not adiquet to the tank and size of oscar
Differnt types of oscar (most common):
Red oscar:
Red albino oscar
Tiger oscar
Albino tiger oscar
Golden oscar
Wild oscar
I think ive got most of the info, if i have missed somthing out please let me know, not sure if this is any good to any one but i thought id post it anyways lol thanks for reading
There seem to be alot of questions regarding oscars and tank sizes, so i thought i would write up abit of a guide...
Oscars are a large, bulky fish, who are VERY messy eaters, they need a large tank with plenty of filtration...
A rough idea of tank sizes
1 oscar - 75 gallons
2 oscars - 100 gallons
3 oscars - 125 gallons
4 oscars - 150 gallons
5+ oscars - 180 gallons +
Tanks mates
Providing you have a large enough aquarium with room for a tank mate, a rough idea of size is the guide above, alot of fish make good companions for and oscar such as:
Blue acaras
Green terrors
Silver dollars
Tinfoil barbs
Blood parrot fish
Large rainbowfish
Large catfish (pimolodus blochii, synodontis eruptus etc)
plus others
If your aquarium is VERY large (300 gal +) may wish to consider the following:
Tiger shovelnose catfish
Mabled pims
Knife fish (clown knife fish, royal clown knife - providing they are alot bigger than the oscar)
tyre tarck/ fire eel
possible stingrays depending on tank size (and must be large) and the temperment of your O.
Filtration is a big MUST for oscars as they are very greedy, and very messy...imo the filter should be running atleast 4 times the tank size, but more the better, plus more fish = bigger filtration
Food / feeding
Oscars will eat pretty much any thing, within reason, but some of the best food to feed them is:
Cichlid pellets
Bloodworms (not really filling once they get bigger but great when small)
Brineshrimp (not really filling once they get bigger but great when small)
Daphnia (not really filling once they get bigger but great when small)
DO NOT feed your oscars feeder fish bought from a store, they have no neutritional value, and have a high risk of carrying diseases, home bread feeder fish are ok as a treat if you so please
Tank decore
Oscars are very bostiorus fish and any loose tall ornaments may be knocked over and damage the fish or tank, oscars dont seem to mind decore, as long as its stable you can decorate your tank how you please, plants will be uprooted, and gravel may be moved around, bog wood, slate, or large pebbles seem to be the best bet, they also dont seem to mind sand...
Tank maintanaince
Weekly water changes are a MUST, if water conditions drop dramatically HITH (hole in the head) can offten occur, this is where the head tends to get infected and thus rott away leaving holes in your fishes head, a bad diet also plays a part in HITH. Oscars are not as sensitive as some fish, so although ammonia and nitrites should be avoided at all costs, they are able to withstand a much larger variety of water conditions. Eg. medium to high nitrates (50ppm). This is not a suggestion, and high nitrates (above 50ppm), will cause health issues over time, but short term it is less likely to affect an Oscar in comparison to alot of fish. These should only occur if for one reason or another you neglect your fish/ fish tank, if you over feed, and if you filter is not adiquet to the tank and size of oscar
Differnt types of oscar (most common):
Red oscar:
Red albino oscar
Tiger oscar
Albino tiger oscar
Golden oscar
Wild oscar
I think ive got most of the info, if i have missed somthing out please let me know, not sure if this is any good to any one but i thought id post it anyways lol thanks for reading