Oscar Query


New Member
Jun 10, 2006
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Hello !
I have a query regarding my Oscar and would welcome your opinions - Our Common Oscar "buster" is currently 5 inches long and in a 2.5" tank by himself which I know is too small.. In our search for a new tank we managed to get hold of a larger tank - 4' long 12" wide and 18" deep. It works out at about 130 litres. As our fish is a messy bugger we have gone for an external filter and now have a tetra tech 1200 (courtesy of a very good friend)which turns over 1200 litres an hour which I think will cope quite nicely!
Thr tank is set up and I intend to run it for a week or so to make sure everything is ok and that the water quality etc will be compatible with what Buster has already. I am thinking about another Oscar for company and a plec which we have in another tank (about 5" long) and I would put in them in the tank at the same time to reduce squabbling. Our local dealer is on the lookout for a compatible oscar, but reckons the tank will cope with three in total, saying that there max growth would be 12". I'm not convinced and think another Oscar and a plec would be the max or do we let our existing oscar have the tank to himself? any comments for other oscar keepers would be most welcome - I'm also on the lookout for a decent book on oscars, again your comments are more than welcome!
Sorry to say the tank's not big enough for one oscar, let alone two and a plec. Need a minimum of 4ft x 18" x 18". As oscars get to 16", even a smaller specimen at 12" wouldn't have room to turn round in that tank. If you think about it, you've said yourself that an oscar will get to 12", and yet your tank is only 12" wide. How's he supposed to turn round?

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. You might get a few months use out of it though, give you a chance to upgrade again ;)
Ooh err..... Looks like I'm going to have a happy little fish for a while......Have decided to keep the new tank just for him and not have any more oscars (sigh) She who must be obeyed has drawn the line at three tanks (my 4 year old has a shallower four footer in his bedroom). We were intially looking at a Juwel Rio 400 -but £400 is a tad too much at the mo. What is the "final" tank size for one oscar? I'll either need to start saving up or think about making a tank myself. (At least the filer should be ok!) Incidentally my oscar had his first earthworm today and it didn't even touch the sides - how often do you give an earthworm to yours - in addition to his food or instead of?
I would say 48"x18"x18" which is a standard 75 gallon is a good size for an oscar althoug bigger is always better.
Keep an eye on Ebay, you can get some real second hand bargains on there ;) My 6 x 2 x 2ft was only £100 or £150 (cant remember) and that came with three external filters, gravel, lights, 3 or 4 air pumps, heaters, decor - even books and nets and things. It might mean watching and waiting, but you're bound to find something.

Good luck :)
i wouldnt say you need a 75gallon tank for one oscar in my opinion my dad kept a breeding pair in a 4ft tank but it did have a decent width,
The way I see it is this. If a fish can get to 16", and tanks come in 12", 15", 18" and 24" widths (and more I know, but they're the standard ones), which one will it fit in?

So a 4ft x 18" x 18" is the smallest tank you could get for one. Even if it didn't reach 16", and stayed in the more average 12-14" range, it'd need room to turn around. It's not a snobby thing, or OTT, it's just plain common sense ;)
Thanks for all the advice - it is much appreciated. As I said earlier, the plan is to keep him in the 4ft tank until I can find something on ebay like Lisa suggests. I'm a bit annoyed having been given bum advice from our local aqualife store - the guy got out his calculator and said the tank was ok for three plus a plec...hmmmmm and this was from a place which supposedly prides itself on good advice!

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