Oscar not so good


New Member
Feb 16, 2005
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My oscar is ripping plants out by day but every so often he'll just stay put on his side.... I used to feed him pellets from my local co-op (farm store) now I feed him flakes twice a day... I test his water every second day and all is perfect... here are the tank specs

1- fluval 204 system
1- stationary power filter
1- aggetating power filter
1- protien skimmer (this system rocks by the way)
1- bubble wall
1- 3" pleco

water is at 76-78 degrees
ph 7.6
ammonia 0
niterite 0

I do water 20% changes every sunday treated with aqua plus

he just seems do be sick or something because all he wants to do is lie on his side...when I put my hand in the tank he'll let me give him a back rub which he never let me do before. any ideas?
If he's letting you touch him, it's probably because he doesn't have the energy to get away from you. PROBABLY.

Does he have any other things visibly wrong with him?

I know next to nothing about oscars, but my bettas have up the list of diseases and back down that list again several times over, so I have some ideas of what certain diseases can do.

What else is he doing? Is he gasping for air? any spots on him?
Is he's pouting because he wants his pellets back? I know oscars are terrible about lying on their side when they're upset or stressed. Maybe the flakes aren't filling him up?

How big is he? How big is your tank?
he is about 4" in a 35 gal tank .... as for spots he is a red tiger oscar....he is swimming around now.... pellets may be the answer....i'll try him at a goldfish tomorrow....he likes wallmart fish
Using feeder fish may introduce disease to the tank as feeders often carry disease. can you feed him some beef heart, i think they can eat that. Sorry, not really up on cichlids. I thought as well that oscars need a 55 gallon tank for themselves. Maybe doing an extra water change through the week might help him too. As mentioned, maybe his diet is lacking in something, try doing a google search too and see what you can find on diet. Good luck :)

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