oscar not getting enough oxygen


New Member
Feb 27, 2004
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i recently set up a 55 gallon tank, 1 week ago. i washed all the gravel real well, and used the "start right" tablets to clear the chlorine. after the day i set the tank up i put a few feeder goldfish in the tank to help the nitrogen cycle begin. after a week of that. i added 1 red oscar about 3 inches long. he was fine for about 15 minutes. he proceeded to turn pale, sluggish, and gasp for air while laying on the bottom of the tank. as i figured i thought it was low oxygen levels because of the fact of bacterial bloom taking place. so i added a second airiator one that would work alone in a 60 gallon tank. so now i have that and the fliter that came with the tank. so i thought that should provide enough of dissolved oxygen but i guess i was wrong.

the oscar livened up and swam around and ate some food shortly after i put the 2nd air supply in the tank. but about 30 minutes later he had the exact same symptoms.

i removed the oscar and put him in a different tank and he revived perfectly and is doing well in that tank.

could this be the bactiera taking up all the oxygen and taking more oxygen when i added the ariator??

how long till i can add the oscar??

any comments would be greatly aprreciated!!

Thanks Jason
Hi qwazy~

Your description of the oscar's behavior was quite vivid, but I wonder if there might be something else going on aside from low levels of dissolved oxygen in the tank. I'm interested to hear what the levels of ammonia and nitrites are, as well as the pH. It is possible that the tank is early in the cycle and the oscar might have been responding to high levels of ammonia or nitrites...
Hi qwazy101 :)

Welcome to the forum. :hi:

It sounds like you put too much fish in your tank, way too soon. :hyper:

Please read this article and learn what the cycling process is about:


Did you get any water test kits yet? If not, please but kits to test for ammonia, nitrIte and nitrAte. You will need all three.

When you have the results, please post them and we will be able to give you more advice.

Don't get alarmed though, this is something that everyone goes through and it can be managed. :nod: If your oscar is in another tank and is OK, just take your time and get the cycle done right. It will be worth it in the long run. :nod:

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