Oscar In Bad Shape, Help


New Member
Aug 13, 2009
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I have a 100 gallon tank with a Fluval filter, I was going to do a partial water change but it was so nasty I changed everything, water, gravel, filter pads, mechanical, bio, whole works, only thing thats the same is the fish and the algee eater...

tank is very white smoky looking and a few extra bubbles on top..

water just tested and is as follows:

PH 8.8 ( I just put some stuff in to try and drop it some but says not to drop more than .5 per day )

Alkalinity 300 ( I do not know how to drop this level but says unsafe )

Hardness 150

Nitrite 0

Nitrate 20

Ammonia 0

please help, I've had this fish for 3 years and dont wanna loose him
Oh dear :sad: looks like you have completely wiped out every single beneficial bacteria in your tank in one fell swoop. You are going to have to do a fish in cycle with an Oscar, not a good thing really. Until someone else pops up with some more suggestions do a partial 30-50% water change using warmed dechlorinated water and keep the lights off. If you know anyone with an established tank beg borrow or steal some of their used sponges or media do not wash or clean it keep it wet and get it into your filter ASAP. Hope he pulls through.

You could also move the outlet pipe of the fluval so the flow is pointing upwards to disturb the water surface, make it so it creates good ripples on the surface, I use an old heater holder with a sucker to wedge under the outlet to do this.
I added some perfect PH tabs and it is down to 7.8 I didn't mean to change it that much hope its not a big shock to him but he is moving a little more but still sitting on the bottom :(

so dump about 30 gallons and add 30 back of warm water? I don't know anyone else around with a tank :(

ok, twisted the outlet so it is rippling the water.. whats that do?
When you do the water change you will end up causing a yoyo effect with the ph, the most important thing to do is water changes and lots of them. Remember also that Oscars are sulkers and his whole home has been turned upsidedown and changed, mine used to sulk for days if I moved anything in his tank. Where was he when you were changing everything?
yeah he does seem to get pissed and sit on the bottom whenever I rearrange things then he gets back in one of his moods and moves it all again haha onry fish I tell you!

when I was cleaning the tank and changing everything he was in a toat tub full of the aquarium water and I almost dumped the water back in the tank it was just so nasty I didn't but now wish I did.. I hope he pulls through

I got the filter outlet turned up and the water is splashing around good..

thank you for your help so far and fast replys!
fish is still living thank god!!

here is my water test today..

PH back up to 8.4

Alkalinity still 300

Hardness down to 75

Nitrite still 0

Nitrate down to 0

Ammonia up to .5

what should I do???
also water does look a little more clear but is still kind of milky looking and foggy.. :sad:
I'm afraid the only thing to do is another water change. As you got rid of the good bacteria when you changed your filter media, you'll just have to water change any time you get a reading for either ammonia or nitrite. Is there really no-one you can get some mature media from? Have you asked at your local shop?
You need to go to the beginners section and read all about doing a fish-in cycle, water changes are going to become a bit of a daily routine for you for the next month or so till your filter is colonised again. To stop your tank getting in such a state do the little and often cleaning routine, get a gravel vac if you dont already have one, rinse the filter sponges out gently in a bucket of tank water, not tap water and don't feed too much. Oscars are wasteful messy beggars so need you to be on top of tank maintenence regularly.
50% water change daily until ammonia & nitrite are at zero. Feed about 1/3 normal, less food means less waste produced.

In a cycling tank pH will vary, adjusting the pH of tap water is a loosing battle if you have any but the softest of water. Unless you are seriously interested in a workout I would look into a product called the Python. Since you discarded all your nitrifying bacteria when you switched out the filter media you will probably be changing water near daily for several weeks.
did a 50% water change today checked the water quailty before and 2 hours later here are my results.

both are the same before and after...

PH 8.4
Alk 300
Hard 75
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
Ammonia 3

my fish is still sitting on the bottom hanging in there, every now and then he will take a lil swim but for the most part he isn't looking too hot.. I noticed today he looks like he is peeling almost.. should I be doing something extra? he looks like he is in pain :sad:

I've attached a photo of him.. not looking too good.. algee eater on the other hand looks like he couldn't be happier.. oscar sick.jpg
do I have the right stuff in my filter?

bottom 20ppi foam
on top of that 30ppi foam
on top of that ceramic rings & bio chem stars
on very top dual density micro filter

should I get the ammonia removal pouch to go in there? or any chemicals to add??
You have the right media in there just no bacteria. The higher that ammonia climbs the worse your fish is off im afraid (3 is quite high...even .5 is not good). You know no one with an established tank? Anyone on the forums that might donate some media???? Where are you located? Maybe put a post in the wanted section for some established media. Hopefully someone will help you out. Read up on cycling.
Python would be your best friend right now. Youve got to change lots of water as Tolak mentioned until you start to see that ammonia disappear on its own (once the bacteria re-establish in your filter). You learned a valuable lesson about not throwing away filter media. Its ok, we all make mistakes in this hobby and learn from them. Dont give up on the fish, but if you dont get some media, gonna be a hard road for the next few weeks. Get the buckets ready.
all the best!
keep us posted

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