Oscar Feeding ?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 18, 2007
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Hi i have two oscars about 5 " , i feed them mainly on frozen prawn, bloodworm and frozen mussles. I also give a small feed of hikara chilid pellet. I am really wondering how much to feed these fish. i want them to grow as much as possible and they jus seem to forever want feeding, i am probably currently feeding each oscar per day , 2 prawns, 2 mussles and small feed of chilid pellets. is this about right? or too much or not enough. Many thanks!
Not sure on exact quantaties but overfeeding is one reason why oscars have a reputation as being 'messy'. One thing I would do is swap the ratio of food you are feeding - by this I mean instead of their staple being prawns + mussles, have the staple as hikari pellets and use the prawns as a treat. As for quantaties I'd feed twice a day but in smaller quantaties, a handfull of pellets in the morning and some at night, if they don't eat it within 2 mins remove and cut back on the amount next time.
i feed my oscars 2 times a day, once in the morning and once at night, hikari cichlid gold. you can tell if you overfeed them on pellets because the food comes out their gills, also they will cram as much food as you give them, so don't overfeed as they will keep eating. every 2 or 3 days i give them a block of frozen live food for their tea, either krill, mysis etc mine don't like bloodworm much. but just give them a few pellets, i don't stick to the 2 min rule, because they just overfeed on that, i give them enought to fit in there mouth and thats enough for them.

less is better. its better to under feed than over feed. They will grow no matter what. i cut the food i give mine down to half and they still won't stop growing or begging.
again im here with my two penneth lol :rolleyes:

I have a 10 inch (ish) red tiger which i believe is female as it has rounded anal and dorsal fins,

about feeding

when young oscars will eat eat eat and expect to be fed everytime you go near the tank however as they get older i have found it is more important to establish a regular feeding pattern than to feed them loads. i feed mine 3-5 large hikari cichlid pellets in a morning and same again at lights on removing old before putting in new or occasionally treats instead of evening pellets mine hates prawns for some reason so i use bloodworm, earthworm and she goes bonkers at the moment for waxworms. she also enjoys bits of lean cooked meat although not salty meat like gammon, ham or bacon and now again she enjoys the occasional pleco wafer she will also endulge in the other pellets which i use for her tank mates which are tetra prima pellets lol

more recently she has just endulged in one of my juvi gold severums which was a bit too small me thinks :shifty:

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