Oscar Eye Problem


Fish Gatherer
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, Florida
My tiger oscar is about 2.5-3 inches long and lastnight all of my other fish died in my 120 gallon tank when I did a 25% water change.

I checked the water and am-0 ni-0 na-10

I used stress zyme and it said it is used to set up new aquariums and gets rid of the chlorine in the water. I've never used it before and I think that is what killed my fish. :-(

Lastnight my oscar was laying on the bottom of the tank and his right eye was all cloudy, like you couldn't even see his eyeball.

This morning it is almost all better but seems a little cloudy. He was a little slow at eating this morning but now he seems perfectly fine.

Is there anything I should do for him? Will he be okay with a slight eye problem?
Stress Zyme = bacteria, Stress Coat = Dechlorinator. At least thats what it is here in the UK. Made by API?

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