oscar eggs


New Member
Oct 13, 2003
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Hey people if anyone can let me know wat is going on please share cuz i don't know wat to do. My oscar's belly is really big and it looks like theres eggs inside her, you can see it almost coming out but it hasnt yet. It has been like this for about 3 weeks and she still hasn't laid them. i have no male so i don't if that wat she is waiting for, i put in the flattest rock i had and maybe that would have helped but still nothing. i dont know wat to do please let me know wat i can do or wat will happen
How old is your oscar and are you sure it is a female? Are you sure she didn't swallow anything like a rock or anything, maybe ate a lot, like feeder fish for example, when you feed live goldfish their bellies will swell up sometimes from eating them so fast. give us some details, and if she does have eggs its nothing to worry about since you have no male, she will just lay them and then guard them for a while and either eat them or they will get fungused because there is no male to fertilize them.

Let us know!
Hey guys,

My oscar is about two years old and im 100% she's a female. I know it's not from eating too much live fish because I dont feed her any live fish. im pretty much sure it's eggs because it looks like there's eggs peeking out of her anus. My concern is that it's been like that for about 3 weeks now and she still hasn't layed them. Is there any harm to this? She looks uncomfortable. Any thoughts? let me know thanks.

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