Oscar And...?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 12, 2006
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Okay. So I have a 125g tank with an oscar whose bout 6 maybe 7 inches long. and a pleco whose bout maybe 8 inches or less..

What could I put in there?? I was thinking maybe a severum? Or possibly another Oscar? Like an albino tiger Oscar. Since the Oscar we have is a tiger. Uh...

But i'm worried cause the Oscar we already have is big..so the fish we add in will already ahve to be bout his size..right?

And..another thing...if we add in another fish should we change up the decoration in the tank so it confuses my Oscar and he doesn't relaly know where his territory is?

I really like the Emerald Cichlid haven't seen any around here tho so it would be quiet a hunt for one..but could I add one of those?
I also have a tiger oscar in my 125 gallon. I keep him with a pleco and a blood parrot. The blood parrot and oscar get a long VERY well and even mate often and she lays eggs. :D

First, how is your filtration? Oscars and plecos are VERY messy fish when it comes to waste. I just want to make sure you have good filtration and you do good water changes before you add another fish.

How is your oscar's temperment with the pleco?
Um...we have a Tetratec PF500 filter and a Penguin 170 bio wheel filter.

The Oscar for the most part gets along with the pleco..once in awhile he'll chase him around a bit..but never really hurts him or anything.

Before I get another fish i'm working on cleaning it out nicely and re doing the deco.
If I were you.. I'd add a smaller fish.. When I tried adding similar size cichlids with my oscar, they bullied it... I've since removed all the fish similar to size, and added 2 smaller severums... The oscar chases the severums, but doesn't nip them...

So I would try a smaller cichlid, so your oscar can be the boss of the tank... rather then get something of similar size, and have them fight for dominance.


Adding fish on there own isnt advised when it comes to cichlids. If they cant or wont fight back they will become very stressed.

Luckily for you oscars arnt classed as agressive, in my books anyways, and you should be fine adding a few smaller cichlids (3) or a larger single fish.

I wouldnt get a blood parrot, no offense I just dont like hybrids. Maybe somthing like a few small fish like a texas, green terror and a jag.

Good luck,

''few small fish like a texas, green terror and a jag.''

texas = not small
green terror = not small
jag = not small

If you were talking about adding them while they're small... I still wouldn't do it.. they all wouldn't get along.

I'd just add one 3-4'' cichlid like a parrot, severum, chocolate cichlid, or something not too aggressive, but not a pushover either.
Completely agree with vancouver, a Texas, Jag or GT are far too tough IMO for an Oscar.

Another fish i would consider though is a Firemouth. In my experience they are not overly aggressive and should work well with an Oscar, particularly if the Oscar is bigger to start with....it has worked perfectly for me. :D
I answer quetions from my experice ... all 15 years of it. I have all of the above and more together with absolutly no problems what so ever.

I am not one for sticking to the rules you find in books and on the net as to be honest most of them are there for the newcomers who wouldnt know what to do if a fish was getting picked on, not eating, under filtered tank etc etc ...

Oh and just to prove it can be done ... Here is a picture of my tank that has been up and running for 2 years.


And just to add more problems ... my jag and oscar atually laid eggs and are the best of mates. Sadley the eggs are not fertil but they dont mind.

soooooo .... what do you say now :p

By all means dont listen to my adivse but if or when it goes wrong dont say I told you so.
Don't take it personally Joel, this is a forum where people will express different opinions. :lol:
no worries mate .. I didnt take it personally :good:

It just annoys me when people say you CANT do this and it will NOT work blah blah blah Lol.

Nothing in this hobby is written in stone, which is what makes it great :D

Yeah i know mate, that's why i always use IMO. :D
with my 8" oscar i have a 9" jag, and 2 8" severums and a 4" severum. but i think a breeding pair of convicts would do as long as you provide hiding spaces for the convicts, as once they breed if they dont have a cave or somthing of the like they will take over the whole tank, where as if you add caves they will just protect their cave. also it will provide your oscar with live food ;)

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