Oscar and elephantnose?


Fish Crazy
Dec 2, 2004
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The title pretty much says it all.

I currently have a juvenile oscar in my 90 and i have kept elephantnoses before without problem, i was just wondering on how feasable it would be to mix the two. I have to point out that this has not happened, its just in theory at the moment and if everyone tells me its a bad idea, then that is what it will remain! Its a 90G tank so theres lots of room.

Any suggestions welcome :)

I am don't know much (or any) about Oscars. But the mixture that can come to danger is between the EN and the Black Ghost Knife. I am not sure if it's okay to mix an Oscar and an EN...:)
Thanks, yeh i looked it knife fish but because theyre both scaleless morymids (sp?) lol they interfere with each other and dont really get on. I know oscars grow large but theyre not really very agressive!!

Im just hoping y'know lol

How big is the Elephant? Unless it's already a grown adult the Oscar will seriously outgrow it and eventually try to eat it. Even if it doesn't it will be a very stressful environment for the Elephant having a natural born predetor on the loose.
The elephantnose i saw at the lfs, was just over 8 inches, at the moment my osar is just over one inch. Its not happened yet, im just wondering because my oscar is very peaceful and well fed and the elephantnose would be in the shadows for the majority of the day as they like to do.

Ive just looked on a couple of sites that says they, with the right care, are suitable.

More feedback wanted!!

Thanks, freddyk for the input.

I think it's very possible considering that your oscar is small and would already be used to seeing the EN in the tank by the time it got big and aggressive. When oscars grow up in the presence of certain tankmates, they tend to tolerate them well when they are big. I'd say it's worth a shot, but just monitor things carefully and have a plan B if something goes wrong :nod:
Ideally Elephant Nose should be in groups if you want to keep them with aggressive fish. If you only have one they should be kept with very placid things like tetras/corys/rainbows whatever...... You would have to keep a very close eye on it to make sure there is no bullying as Elephant Nose are quite fragile.

I have an elephant nose fish for about 9 months ,now and I'm still as confused now has i was when I bought it. -_-

Are they best on their own or in groups?

Quotes from various sites.

spoke to a professional, whoo said my first mistake was obtaining only one. They need to be in groups of 3 to 5 to feel comfortable in any setting

Territorial and usually aggressive to its own species

The Elephant Nose is peaceful with other community fish, but territorial with others ofits own species.

They should be kept singly as they are somewhat aggressive to their own species.

Thats just 4 of the sites I looked at -_-

So I still don't know if its safe to get another :( and thats after 9 months.
dont just get 1 more, you want to get 3 or 4 more for them to be at their best. If you just had 2, they would constantly fight and they would be no fun to watch at all as you would always be worried. If you have a small group then they act very much as clown loaches sometimes do, swimming in a close huddle and lying together.

bunjiweb said:
Ideally Elephant Nose should be in groups if you want to keep them with aggressive fish. If you only have one they should be kept with very placid things like tetras/corys/rainbows whatever...... You would have to keep a very close eye on it to make sure there is no bullying as Elephant Nose are quite fragile.

In groups? :blink: :huh:
Elephants only do ok in groups when they are juvies.They absolutely do NOT tolerate other elephants when they are mature.

And I would NOT recommend Elephants and oscars as tank mates.Oscars most likely wouldn't hurt the Elephant,but they are greedy hogs and Elephants are shy,timid fish that will not survive in a tank with big hogs.
mine's about 7 inches now might not be a good idea to add another one then. :no:
Thanks everyone for ur input.

Nothing has happened yet, im gunna do a little mroe research. Altho at this early stage i think im gunna try and just make sure i watch the situation - the elephantnose is bery big that i am hoping to buy and my oscar really is very small, in a 90G tank i would have thought they could avoid each other anyways?

Thanks again everyone!

Anyone who really thinks its a bad idea please let me know, it hasnt happened yet and i do have a plan lol.

I already did let you know.

THIS is a REALLY BAD idea...
the elephant nose will NOT be able to compete for food against a much larger,pushy,bossy,pig of a fish...
it may work for a short time while the oscar is much smaller then the elephant,but in the long run,the elephant will more then likely starve to death.
Thanks, thats a shame!

Any other ideas then for what to have cos the tanks looks pretty empty.

er, looking at your sig there... you seem to have a heavy mix of bottom dwellers and nocturnal fish. so i'd focus the search on larger mid-level fish like tetras. definitely no more catfish or scavengers or shy oddballs that like to lurk around until nobody's looking at them... ;)

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