community begginer
Fish Crazy
hay all. before you go wtf!! i must say that i have a rather placid oscar in my 200lt tank. (i know this is too small but my bro had to get rid of it or put it down so i took it in.
he is there by himself and i thaught of maybe adding 1 or 2 bristle nose plecs or so to keep him company. hes only 5 inches long and mouth isnt that big. so i though a few 3-5 inch long plecs would go well. what do you think.
before you critisize just remember it was either put the oscar in a 200ltr tank or put him down. i just saved a fishes life. i feel proud.
he is perfectly healthy and likes to "play dead" in the bottom left hand corner of the tank.
any recomendations of plecs i could put in would be greatly appreciated.
regards, community
he is there by himself and i thaught of maybe adding 1 or 2 bristle nose plecs or so to keep him company. hes only 5 inches long and mouth isnt that big. so i though a few 3-5 inch long plecs would go well. what do you think.
before you critisize just remember it was either put the oscar in a 200ltr tank or put him down. i just saved a fishes life. i feel proud.
he is perfectly healthy and likes to "play dead" in the bottom left hand corner of the tank.
any recomendations of plecs i could put in would be greatly appreciated.
regards, community