Oryzias Woworae. Rice Fish


The indecisive one
Aug 16, 2008
Reaction score
Rayleigh Essex. UK
Has anyone got any experience of these fish. Info seems very sketchy, are they a shoaling fish?

If I've put this in the wrong place can a kind mod move to correct area please. :good:
I remember we used to be able to buy them in our local pet shop 30 years or so ago. He never did trops in that shop, so they must be sub-tropical/temperate.

I would assume they're shoalers, most small fish are.
"Tokis-Phoenix" got some of these lovely little fish recently, but I'm sure they will be many others on the forum.
1. Wrong place. Oryzias do not fit into any group, but usually considered to be *a kind of* killies...at least they are closer related to killies than to cyprinids.

2. The species is new, was discovered only recently and was not in trade 30 years ago. Other Oryzias species were available for long time, and they are all similar enough.

3. Yes, schooling. No killie-style aggression, if this was the concern. I keep around 20 of them in a 5g tank...cannot sex them easily, but judging by fertile eggs both sexes are present. Quite skittish ime, I also keep Oryzias sp. Kendari, who don't have this problem.

Oh, I didn't realise this was a new species :blush:

Thanks for the info; got to be a good day when you learn something new!
Very welcome.

You probably were thinking about Oryzias latipes (Japanese Medaka) or Oryzias mekongensis... both were around for ages, these and a few others are all over the South Asia. O.woworae and O.sp.kendari are both Celebes species and were not noticed until only a few years ago. One nice thing about them is very blue eyes...more blue than blue eye rainbows.

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