Ordering from Reeftopia


Aug 17, 2004
Reaction score
Mesa, Arizona-US
If I request a wednesday or thursday arrival they are giving away free stuff. I don't know which I'd rather have. I can get either 3 peppermint shrimp or a Large Single Ricordia Polyp. I can't really find any info about the ricordia, and I didn't really like the pic they provided but I don't think the shrimp would last long with my niger and CBS. Any ideas either way?
Also, if I spend $24 more i'll actually only be spending $4 extra ($20 for shipping unless you spend $120, then it's free) so I was thinking about adding a serpent star and/or a harliquen serpent star to knock off a few bucks. Is this a good idea, my tank has been done cycling for about 3 months or so now. Do I need to wait longer for that?
too late, thanks anyway :p Hopefully my niger won't eat everything in 2 days. I got 30 Scarlet reef Hermits (don't really see many of my originals anymore :unsure: ), 50 Nassarius VIbex, the Harlequin Star, and a Feather Duster. I also told them to send me the 3 shrimp, hopefully i can fend everything off long enough for them to make it to the LR and hide for a bit before they get snuffed :lol:
Hey, how did that order go?

I'm thinking about ordering from Reeftopia, and I just wanted to know what the place was like before I placed an order.

Blue leg hermits are $10.00 for 24 of the small size at Reeftopia. They cost $4 a piece at my LFS!!!!! :crazy:
the order was great. I got everything, and they all are still alive, i think :whistle: The niger coulda gotten a few, but that's expected. I've ordered from them before and they did awesome then too. Only problem this time was I was expecting the delivery by 10:30 am so I woke up early so as not to miss it, but it didn't get here till 1:10pm or so cuz the fed-ex driver had some traffic problems or something :crazy:

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