Orca Tl450


Apr 6, 2006
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I was wondering if anyone had any experiences with these. I am downsizing and this nano is top of my list.
Also does anyone know how many plugs the tank uses.
I have one of these. They are nice looking tanks but have good poitns and bad points.

Bad points:
Skimmer: I still havent managed to get this thing working without filling the tank with micro bubbles. Seems to be a common fault.
Moonlights: on the same circuit as the main lights so you can have them on seperate timers and on mine they are irratic (sometimes they dont turn on or turn off).
Pump/Circulation: Not enough circualation in there so you will need to add at leat 1 other powerhead.
The instrucitons suck.
The cooling fans are loud.

Good points:
Looks very good.
Hood design is cool.
umm looks good :)

Seems there are more bad points then good points but I would still recommend it. Add a power head in there and your good to go.

edit: It uses 4 plugs
thanks for that. WHen you say fans are loud. How loud are they as this is going to be in my bedroom.
Kind of depends on your tolarence for sound :)I cant hear it over the TV but its not exactly silent. They are only running when the lights are on so is not an issue when your sleeping.
If you get in touch with Orca barney they will send you the upgrade package for free to stop the micro bubbles!
If you get in touch with Orca barney they will send you the upgrade package for free to stop the micro bubbles!


Thanks a lot for the heads up! I have tried everything to fix it from blocking up the holes that the heater uses to attach to the back and putting foam in between the compartments. They have made it better but not fixed completely :)

I dont suppose you have a website or contact for them? I have tried to find it on the net but no luck and I dont have any of the documentation anymore.
I thnk i am going for a D&D Nano now guys. I will keep you updated.
I dont but dont take my word on the free part as some people have got it free and some others havent , I will look into it for you barney, its a while since I had my orca running LEave it with me m8


Here is a useful link to take it apart which can help as I have had trouble witht this

Thanks for that. I found this link before I got the tank but couldnt find it again since and couldn't remeber where it was :)

I cant even find out who makes these tank. Really should have kept the instructions. Dont worry too much about it though. I'm going to add a fuge to it this week and move the skimmer to there anyway (though free stuff is always cool :) ).

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