I have the 450 so can comment on this exact tank but I think i terms of equipment they are pretty similar.
Lighting is ok for most soft corals and a few LPS.
As mentions you may need 1 or 2 power heads to increase the water movement (I would recommend the korillia's).
The fans on the 450 got really loud but are easy to replace.
The skimmer on the 450 was rubbish but you can use it or even run without it and replace it at a later date.
The tank itself is very nice.
Other things you will need:
Refractometer or hydrometer to check salinity
Test kits for at least ammonia, nitrite and nitrate (PH and phosphate also handy).
Food - Flake food and depending on fish Frozen mysis shrimp (almost every fish will eat this).
And most important - a camera (so you can post some pictures up on here for us as you progress

If your not buying your salt water pre-mixed then:
RO water (Would strongly recommending buying an RO unit).
A decent brand of salt.
A bucket, spare heater and spare power head for mixing salt.