Orca Tl-450 Skimmer


New Member
Aug 19, 2007
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how do i get it working :( head ach or what

help plz!

many thanks

its a very new company and doesnt have much reputation, i have heard really good things about it from the people who have it, but i dont know anyone here who has had or used the orca skimmers, sorry :(
you have to ensure the pipe isnt crimped that goes through the filter sponge and you may even have to get your hand into pump to make sure it isnt blocked,

Be careful of your eyes cause the UV filter is in there too!
thanks for the help sorted now, pipe was crimped
No probs I gotta pic here of my orca!


and more recent

wait, im confused, orca is an american protein skimmer company... is it also a tank company in the UK?
oh, sorry, i got mixed up with the orca skimmer brand since he said skimmer in his title lol. Sorry :blush:
Its 12 uk gallons!

The skimmer is relatively good, I do have a few issues now and again, just some sand got into bottom of pump chamber and I cant get it out (i could but havent) and now and again It blocks pump to skimmer!

There is an issue with micro bubbles and low flow but I have added a rena powerhead to spray bar and added sponge to stop micro bubbles


Here is the rena powerhead modded spray bar
Cant see why not tho as they are made in china and I'm sure atlantis aqautics sold them?

I'm selling mine soon!!


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