Orange slices in fish tank?


Fish Fanatic
May 29, 2004
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I just got back from LFS and saw in one of there Koi tanks they had slices of oranges floating around. Is that safe? If so would my tropical fish like some too? Read my sig for the fishes I have. But lately I've been wanting to feed my fish something other then flakes, worms, and wafers.

I'm going to get some cucumbers today but wondering what other vegies/fruits I can feed them.

Thats what I was thinking.. maybe those Koi can just take it or like the acidic water... not so sure... but so far all I know is I can feed them cucumbers.... anything else guys/gals?
yea ive seen oranges in tanks too but only in goldfish tanks so it probably wont be to good in a tropical tank
I went to petsmart today and I saw this in almost all the goldfish tanks.. I thought it was odd..
the difference is that many chain pet stores have sophisticated filter systems which constantly filter out water and keep it stable. You could try lettuces and apples and stuff.
I feed my fish chicken and they go nuts for it, I found they like the processed slices rather than the fresh stuff which they like too but as much. Just put little bits in at a time. And also what others said try courgette and cucumber.

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