Orange juice!


Fish Crazy
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
A pond in Canada
I was doing a water change today and accidentally spilt some orange juice (few drops) into the water (I was moving to juice out of the way)

The juice is from concentrate

I am kinda worried...
What should I do?
I am by no means an expert. But I would say test the water for acidity. It probably won't harm the fish, but I suggest changing 50% of the water and raising pH s\to normal levels (if the tests say it's acidic).
citric acid is not good for fish. best you can do is a big water change (and maybe a few over the next few days) and test the ph as suggested, until it reads okay again. hopefully a few drops won't have too much effect. what size is the tank?
Tank size it 10g
I dont think there is a prob anymore
I did a pretty big water change and added extra filter media
Havent lost a fish yet

Did a ph test and everything seemed okay (for now)

Thanx :)

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