Orange Finned Danois And Guppys Do They Mix?


New Member
May 1, 2006
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Enfield, England

at the moment i have two orange finned zebra danios which are fry that survied in the tank i would now like to put some more fish in i reallly like guppys could some one advice me if they they are okay to mix
Danios are real fin nippers. A Guppies tail would be a massive target. It also doesnt help that there are only 2 Danios as they are better in groups.
Im afraid it either guppies or danios, not both. :/
I dont know much about danio's, especially as i only found out today that i had one - a pearl danio. It's been in my tank with guppies since i got it 8 months back and it's never tried to nip the fins of any of my fish. it's been quite a peaceful chap.

I dunno if all species of danio are like this though, or whether it's got anything to do with the fact that he's alone and not in a group so he's no so confident?
what fish would be okay with guppys (i have a 10 gallon tank the zebras where fry that survied, orignally i bought three zebra danios 2weeks after the tank was set up but they died this was about three months ago and i not add any other fish because i wanted the to see if the fry would survie and they have they have now been in there fot 2 months
Not much in a 10 gallon. Platies are fine with Guppies, so are Neon Tetras.
You could have 2 male guppies and 5 Neons.
Or 3 Guppies and 2 Platies.
Dont have over 7 fish or anything that grows more than 5cm.

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