Orange Bristle Nose have arrived


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
The 3 Orange Bristle Nose Plecos came today. They went right to work. They're so cute. I wish I could find my usb cord to upload a picture. They are little guys about an inch +. The otos also went right to work. Very busy little fellows. I got 8 otos. They appear mature size. I couldn'i see the 11 Marthae Silver Hatchets well--it was darkest where they are.

What is the blue water they were shipped in? I spilled some in the BN tank. The bag tipped over and one BN went to work earlier than his mates.

I got called in to work; I am anxious to get home and observe my new roomies, and make sure they are comfy.
I'm so excited!!! My Orange BN are licking the Hikari Algae wafer!!! :wub:

And so are the otos. Although one isn't doing well. I set him on a wafer, and he licked for awhile, but I think others pushed him off. I set him near a bigger one. Poor little guy.

Nevertheless :band: we are doing good. So far the little (they only get 2") hatchets are doing good too.
Glad to see you are getting so much enjoyment from your fish :D
I bought 4 bristlenose today,2 adults and 2 albino juveniles.Cant believe something that looks so slow can move so fast!!!!
Mine seem to be settling in and earning their keep
Good luck
Yes they are my little living garden. When I see them settling in and beginning to thrive I get all excited.

I think they do better than my garden ever did and give more return.

What kind of tank/s do you have?
Good luck with the new fish - the BN's sound adorable. And fingers crossed for your wee oto :thumbs: - BTW have you live plants in the tank?
Ive put 1 adult and 1 juv in my 3ft and my 4ft.Read that they liked driftwood so decided not to put the young ones in my 2ft as planned as I havent much driftwood in there
Got 2x2ft,a 3ft and a 4ft--all community and all cycled and heavily planted.
Plus I got my first betta today-- Barney!
Hes gone into 19 litre tank on his own :)
A few plants in the big tank, Fiori. I had a bad turn with ich and now always quarantine and treat with aquarisol for 18 days. I also treat every water change with aquarisol. So the point is that I don't put the new fish in the big tank.

I have upgraded my lighting now to 250 + watts on my 100 usg. but my other tanks really don't have the lighting to sustain good plant life. I'm trying to revive the ones I got before and tried to grow with 1w per gal. :lol:

The reason I got the increase in otos and the BN is to help with the rash of algae since the upgrade. :)
Well good swimming to one and all. Tell Barney Hey!

I read that BN like to suck on wood, too, that it is a diet need. That's the first thing my guys did is latch on to the drift wood. I had just gotten some pieces of African that is suppose to be very old and heavy and not require soaking if you don't mind the tannins. I think the kind of brackish water is cool looking.

Anyway, I put some of those in a 20usg (about 2' x 1'?) with out pre-soaking for the coming BN. They really seem to like it. :D

You must be a bit excited too. I really enjoyed getting my first Oranda. I think a Betta might be a little like--same finage anyway. :p

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