Oranda Parasite/fungus


New Member
Aug 1, 2007
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Hi My Oranda has developed what I think is some form of parasite, they began at the base of the tail as small dots (I initially assumed it was white spot). They have not spread anywhere else yet (only three). They have now grown slightly to form almost a complete ring, and as I say from close inspection it looks more parasitic than fungal. The centre of the ring is empty, but the fine lined circle is white in colour. Please help in diagnosis - I've tried to take pictures on my mobile but it doesn't come out very clear,


UK :sick:
Hi there and welcome to the forum :) .

The infection sounds like it could be roundworm parasites which have made their way to the outer flesh of the fish (usually these parasites start off in the gut), you can see a white roundworm under the skin of this fish in this pic in the link below;


Are the rings fluffy looking on the outside in appearance at all?
White edged circle sounds like a bacterial infection.

We need more help with tank size, inhabitants, water stats and cleaning routine.

A pic would help too

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