Oranda Oddity


New Member
Jan 19, 2007
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I have an Oranda that looks to be maybe constipated? The reason I state that is it has been floating upside down now for over 4 days and is unhable to remain right side up. It is approximately 1 year old, and very round, probably about 5 inches long and the same at least in girth. It has always been extremely rotund, but now it is round. It has been eating upside down, at first it was able to turn upright when the flakes, (very minimal feeding, however have other fish in the aquarium.) What I would like to know, does anyone think it is suffering? I try holding it upright, it doesn't appreciate it, and I don't want to stress it out any further than it already may be.aquarium
Sounds like its full of gas.

Stop feeding for 3 days to see if the gas goes away and change its diet to granular sinking foods and some protein such as bloodworm once or twice a week.
If after 3 days its looking slightly better then feed it by hand a cooked shelled squashed pea. If it eats that then keep doing that for three days and hopefully it will right itself.
If it stays in that position then test your water for nitrates and see how high they are.

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