Oranda and Moor Tankmates?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 28, 2004
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South Florida
I have two Orandas and a black Moor in a 20g that will be moving up to a custom 60g l as soon as the stand is finished.

I keep a heater on them, around 76, rather than room. I am one of those who don't believe fancies are coldwater. They're doing great.

My question is about tankmates?

I have a Pleco that I'd like to move in and considering that the temperature is warmer than the "average" goldfish tank I didn't see a problem with this. I haven't made the move yet, so what do you think?

What are some other suitable tankmates for these fish? I don't hear much about fish to live with golds...is it because most of those tanks are too cold for other fish?

This is a ridiculous question, to boot, but apple snails are fine with them, right?

Thanks ahead of time. Who knew my four-year-old daughter's fish would be this much upkeep haha I'm more of a brackish and marine girl myself, but I don't mind. They eat from my hand, they are actually the coolest goldfish I've ever had.
what type of plec is it ? common plecs shouldnt be kept with gf because as they get bigger they start to get a taste for the gf slime coat. you have to remember that gf will happily try to eat anything that can fit in the mouth and its not unknown to have small plecs, cory's and algae eaters to be dinner and then have them stuck in the mouth.

i have a bristlenose with my oranda and they get on fine with each other. if the fish arent too big then you could try white cloud mountain minnows, which need to be kept in shoals.

snails can be kept with gf too but if they are new then they too need to be quarantined as you would a new fish
My Pleco is a Sailfin.

My golds are all between 3 1/2" and 4" so white clouds would probably be out of the question, right?
my oranda is that size and he cant catch them. :)
Cool! :D

I've had ghost shrimp in their tank before (before I set-up a seperate tank for puffer snacks) and they were fine. However, perhaps they just couldn't find them. Would you think I could get away with a Cherry Shrimp or some other decorator shrimp?
i think those could end up as lunch, but ive never kept shrimps though.

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