Options For Planted Tank


Fish Fanatic
Sep 13, 2008
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I have a 20 gallon tank setup with 3 rasboras and 3 danios. I recently put in a few plants which are:
1) microsorum pteropus 'narrow'
2) Didiplis diandra

Well i wanted a few more plants...namely to bring a bit of variety in the tank. I dont have a CO2 system and dont want to purchase one unless needed. Which plants will be suitable for the above mentioned tank set up? I have a bridge made out of rocks and wanted to cover them with a some kind of moss so that it looks more natural. Which moss would be good and where can i purchase it? Im using a single 17watt tube light. Is that enough or do i need to switch to something else?

Im fairly new to the hobby and appreciate all advice .

java moss - ask on here, or ebay. there is also plants alive & aqua essentials

didiplis diandra is a pretty hard plant to grow in term os lighting requirments so it may struggle, try mayacca fluvitallis or elodea if it doesnt survive.
java moss is one option. what other options are there for covering rocks with plants? Keeping in mind that im adding more plants, do i need a CO2 diffuser system along with a heavier wattage for the lighting? Right now i have a single 17watt light for the whole aquarium
Plantmass doesn't dictate the need for CO2 (I've said this in your other post) The rate of growth stimulation (light) dictates this.

Under your light CO2 is not needed. Your light will be OK for 'low light' with a decent reflector.


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