Optimum Use Of Co2


Fish Crazy
Oct 1, 2005
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Hi all

At the mo Im using the ladder/helterskelter thing that comes with the JBL pro 2 CO2 system. Apart from wanting to get the most out of my moneys worth of CO2, its a real bgger to get them refilled where I live, so I want my CO2 to last as long as poss. I have a 2kg fire extinguisher so I have co2 when the JBL bottle runs out.

My tank is a juwel 180 litre (50g). I have an eheim exteranl filter (cant remember model - 2620 I think). Tank no longer heavily planted, as i had no CO2 for about 6mths but its filling out again now.

Ive looked at a lot of posts & journals with ceramic glass diffusers, but not sure whether these are really any better than the ladders.

Could anyone please give me advice or comments about diffusers that you have used. (or should I stick with what Ive got?)
much appreciated

They are much better than the ladders in that they produce much smaller bubbles which are not as boutant as the large bubbles on the ladders therefore it easier to keep them in the water.

However it is important to note that circulation is very important in that with these miniature bubbles they are easyier for the current to distribute around the tank.

If the circulation is not good enough they will still rise straight to the surface and money lost.

10x volume of the tank in lph is the suggested requirement these days. I am guessing you mean you have a 2026 which is nowhere near this 10x amount.

Filters aren't my speciality. I use a 700lph in my 125ltr tank and also have a 400lph powerhead at the other end continuing the flow. 1100lph in a 125ltr tank.

So is a ceramic diffuser a waste of time in this tank, unless I get either a better or an extra filter?

Also where abouts in the tank do you place these diffusers?

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