Opps....did They Eat Him?


May 20, 2009
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One of my Dp's has gone missing :unsure: I couldn't see him last night at feeding time, so today I've done a 50% water change and there's no sign of him! Out of the three he was the smallest by a long way....and always got bullied at feeding time. The other two look fat and happy.....despite the fact I haven't fed them today!!!! Do you reckon he became breakfast? I just put in a few live brine shrimp [the missing ones favourite treat] and still no sign!!!!
So.....if he has become fish food :sick: .....will the other two be OK with it being just the two of them, or will there be territory issues? Tank is heavily planted, with lots of little caves and hide holes.

Lisa x
I dont see no reason why they wont be fine with only two Lisa.
Sorry to hear about the little one.

Oh what a shame! :( Sorry to hear about that Lisa! I doubt very much that they have eaten the other dp. They are small and it doesn't take long for their bodies to break down.

There's no reason why the other two won't be perfectly fine. They'll have even more room to chill out in and the aggression should be lessened between them :)
Cheers hun! They seem fine....chasing each other a little more than usual....but I do believe I've finally spotted eye wrinkles on one :hyper: ....so it may be I have a male/female pair!
Love your new little fishy by the way.....very pretty!!!

Lisa x

Ps......click click.....pmsl :lol: :lol: :lol:

edit....^^^^^^^ that was for YF

Hi Jen....I still live in hope he may re-appear.....not much chance though....tanks not that big!!!!
Hi Amy....like I said to you the other day....he wasn't doing brilliantly :sad: I just have to keep thinking....survival of the fittest! Doesn't stop me keep gazing into the tank though!
Did you get your refractometer yet?

Lisa x
Yeah, I was hoping the little guy would pull through for you hon, least it is a male and female left, two males could have been awkward. Im sure they are still your lovely little babes :wub:

Yep got the refractometer and all equipment just figuring it out what to do next :lol:
I love puffers, do you ever have any trouble with there "beaks" growing too long?

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