Oppertunity to buy a group of breeding L46/L98

Dec 10, 2003
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Newcastle, England

As you can see from the title, I have the chance to buy a group of breeding zebra plecs. There are 9 of them and I have been told by the seller that they are willing to split the group.

I cannot afford to buy the whole group as much as I would want to but I could perhaps buy some of them and then set them up in a breeding tank.

As this is an expensive idea, I am wondering if it is worth my while. I have never bred fish before and certainly not plecs. However, I have always liked these fish and I like the idea of having them and trying to breed them.

Can you give me any pointers as to how difficult it would be. What size tank/filter etc etc. And also, how many of them I should get. Could I buy just 2? Does there have to be the same number of males and females?

Thanks for any help.
A breeding group of zebra plecs should be at least 3, one male and two females but 6 would be better (2M+4F). They are not difficult to breed but do require some pretty exact parameters and the tank must be set up perfectly for them with small caves set into the rear wall of the tank and and some heavy current from a large powerhead.
CFC said:
A breeding group of zebra plecs should be at least 3, one male and two females but 6 would be better (2M+4F). They are not difficult to breed but do require some pretty exact parameters and the tank must be set up perfectly for them with small caves set into the rear wall of the tank and and some heavy current from a large powerhead.

So I could go for 2 females and 1 male. I am trying to judge whether it would be silly for someone as inexperienced as I feel I am to dive into the deep end of breeding like this.

I mean, I haven't even seen fry from my 2 female mollies!!

What size tank would you recommend for 3 and what filter. I don't really understand the concept of 'power heads' as I have only used fluval internals or Eheim eccos.

Is this a stupid idea? :X
WOW, how much for cheese? I want some.

It has been shown that three factors are the most important for successful spawning of Zebra Plecs, these are - higher temperature, good oxygenation of the water, and suitable breeding caves. A temperature of 84F is best, provide a powerful flow from the filter and several caves and bogwood retreats. Keep the lights subdued is possible to. Try to get the PH to 6.5-7.0 and make sure you have brought males and females, as CFC says the best ratio is 2M to 4F but 1M to 2F should work. A long 20 gallon would easily surfice for this. You could run one external and then use maybe one or two powerheads to increase water flow. Wuv has a good set-up for her Green Phantom Plecs in which she has Power heads on the top of PVC piping which leads to a sponge, this enables a fast circular flow of water this will help to oxygenate the water to. Once they have the right conditions they are not that difficult. I would love to try my hands with them to. Any chance of mail order? :) Obviously the water must be kept in perfect conditions with little to no trace of ammonia or nitrates.
Hey Ryan,

The people are not willing to send them or of course I would have said!! I am not sure on the price yet, they said £75 each but I am trying to bring them down.

With regards to power heads, when I look at them online it says they are for UGFs. Is that right? If I used an external and then an internal like the one in my coldwater that has an intake bit that pushes bubbles through the water?

Hmmm, I am not sure whether they will be available to me but now if they are I am not sure I am experienced enough. Although, I suppose we all have to start somewhere!!
Cheese Specialist said:
I suppose we all have to start somewhere!!
Very true, with the fish you keep healthly I should think you'll be fine. :) A Powerhead that produces oxygen bubbles would be great. Do you mean the internal filters with the tube above the water level for the intake of air, is that what you have in your Coldwater tank?
ryan said:
Do you mean the internal filters with the tube above the water level for the intake of air, is that what you have in your Coldwater tank?
Thats the one!

No good? The one I have is a fluval 4+ and works for a 37UK tank, produces a whole lot of current for my hillstreams.

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