Opinios On What To Do With My Two Small (40 Liter) Tanks


Fish Fanatic
Jun 19, 2010
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im taking my two small tanks to uni with me when i go back in september (one is 30 liter quite tall tank and one is a 40 liter more longish tank) i have heaters filters etc for both so thats no issue however....

the 30 liter is going in our living room i think with some tetras to look nice but i want the 40 liter in my room and either want some african dwarf frogs (or a single clawed frog...) as option one or option 2 is to buy a 6 chrystal red shrimp off ebay and have a shot at breeding them! they sell for a fortune on ebay! would 6 be ok to initially breed from or would i need a larger group? if not i might start with standard cherry shrimp as they sound easier to breed.

option 3 is to keep it empty and try to breed some neon tetra or tiger barbs or something like that... which can be tooed and froed from the community tank in the living room

any advice or ideas?

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