
jimi priest 0189

New Member
Apr 15, 2006
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the outher day i found a tank full of these cool loachs and have ing a lack of fish got one all i had money for but the owner knows me and said he would put a few on reserve i came home and hateing mistery fish looked him up turns out he is a tiger loach so i was wondering if i sould get more or not
Thats funny. I saw some of these in my LFS this past week, too :). They are beautiful. I wish I could have picked a few up myself. I have heard they may be OK without a group of their own kind. But they get big, around 12 inches, I think. How big is the tank he'll be in, and what are the tankmates? They are sometimes known to be troublemakers.
I've never heard of a clown loach being called a tiger loach. They are completely different. There are a few different species of tiger loach but I don't know much about the differences between them. I think they are all very similar.
no he is deffinety a tiger like the one in the index but he will be in a 55 long and the only outher thing im planning on putting in that is a peacock eel
I've heard peacock eels are pretty shy. Am I mistaken? Do you think they'll get along OK? Maybe you should get three tiger loaches so they can spread the aggression around amoung themselves and possibly ignore the eel. Loaches like to have something to do, IME.
mines not all that shy it moves when it want and almost never hides it likes to sit on my rock work and my oach dosent know it exsists imo becose he likes to chase my swords but yeah i get 2 more loachs andd put my eel the loachs in ther with like a bgk or royal knife
I didn't know you had swords in there. I thought you said just the loach and the eel. I'm sure the loach is interested in the swords. Thats good. I'm not sure how they'll do once the loach is fully grown, though. Some barbs might be nice, or rainbows. If they grow up before the loach gets too big, they'll be great in there.

I'm not sure what you meant by the second part. Where it says:
but yeah i get 2 more loachs andd put my eel the loachs in ther with like a bgk or royal knife
Are you saying you'd be moving the eel to another tank with a bgk or royal knife, or are you saying you'd have all in the same tank? I don't know much about the other fish. Maybe ask in the oddballs section about compatability if you haven't already.

And hopefully someone else who actually has the tiger loaches will speak up here. I'd love to have some, but don't have any room for them. I went yesterday again to the LFS and they still had three! Its so hard to control myself, but my house just isn't big enough for a big tank. :rolleyes:
yeah im planing to move the loach with my eel to a 55-100 and gitting a knife fish to put in there so it will be 3-5 loaches 1 eel and a knnike of some type ittle be cool
55-100? What would the dimensions of the bottom be? I have a regular 55 gallon tank (I just looked back and see you said something about a 55 gallon long), and the distance from the front to back glass is just over 12 inches. I would personally not put a 12 inch fish in a tank with a 12 inch area for turning around. That is too tight, and cruel, especially since they will appreicate decorations and/or plants for playing around in and hiding, but they would get in their way as they tried to move. I was under the impression they were already in a large tank (don't ask me why), but I guess not. I'm not sure how fast the tiger loaches grow, but if you have them in a tank that is too crowded or too small, they may become stunted and not reach their full potential. At least, I know that happens with clowns. Best to get the larger tank as soon as you can. 100 gallons sounds about right. If they would do well in less, I'd have one, too!
im leaning more tword the 100 my self or bigger right now they are shareing a 20 gallon tank (dont worry i know what im doing) ill have the money for the tank in 10 days and ill get it some time in the next 2 weeks but the tiger loach is like an inch and a half and the eel is 2 inches and they share with a graumi and some swords its still under populated and looks empty some times but when i get my bigger tank settled ill move them at the same time as i get the knife so they dont pick on the new guy im preety sure itl work out if not i have an old 90 around here its odd sized but a blessing im setting it up as we speak and its coming nicely so if they fight ill seperat them

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