Opinions Wanted


New Member
May 26, 2011
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Ok so after reconsidering and considering a number of times I'm going to push towards starting a 55gal. salt water tank. The three fish I want for sure are violatin lionfish, puffer (please give me your thought on the best puffer), and a zebra or snowflake eel. Now two questions one what would be good predatory tank mates that are also nice to look at and what are the differences between the zebra and snowflake eel, what do you think is better between the two or what do you consider the best eek for my tank? Feel free to give me your opinions and though everything and anything helps. Thanks
Anything big and fast TBH, doesn't just have to be pred's. Probaly better if it isn't as they are mess machines.
Foxface would be ok as would comet bettas.
Larger wrasse (non reefsafe ones) etc
Like sorgan says anything that wont fit into a mouth so large Wrasse, Tangs, Angelfish, Triggerfish.

Snowflake (Echidna nebulosa): grow to about 70cm, considered less a threat to tank mate than the Zebra. Are generally mild-mannered. Tends not to be as shy as the Zebra. Should be fed 3 times a week.

Zebra (gymnomuraena zebra): grow to about 1m so are larger than Snowflakes, tends to be docile and reclusive. Can be difficult to feed so may need live feeders. Should be fed 2-3 times a week

Both are attractive fish. If it were me i would go for the Snowflake.
Just an offside note: Volitans get over a foot long at adult size, a 55g is not going to last him long term unfortunately. There are many beautiful dwarf lions, many of which stay around the 6" mark which IMO, would be better suited.
Just an offside note: Volitans get over a foot long at adult size, a 55g is not going to last him long term unfortunately. There are many beautiful dwarf lions, many of which stay around the 6" mark which IMO, would be better suited.
Thanks alot nemo you just saved me BIG time. I may get a larger tank im still looking but right now I think it will be the 55g but I will look into the dwarf lionfish. I think I will be going with the snowflake eel. Any thoughts on puffer fish?
Not sure I would put a puffer in with a lion.

Lions are not as quick as puffers and puffers are notorious fin nippers.

It may be hard for the puffer to resist munching on a lions beautiful fins!

Not saying it wouldn't work mind.

You can cross off any of the large puffers - porcupines, dog face etc as they grow too big for a 55 gallon.

Any of the Canthigaster (toby) species are fine in that size tank - Valentini, Solandri, Rostrata etc.

I have a Canthigaster Solandri and find her very peaceful to other fish - puffers are totally unpredictable though and everyone of them has a different personality.

One other note with a lion and a puffer you would have a huge bioload - puffers are greedy messy eaters and from what I have heard lions eat constantly thus producing a lot of waste.

I personally would only pick one out of the two and it would be a puffer everyday but I'm biased :)

Sorry I forgot to add if you are thinking of a puffer PM me and I will send you a link to a good website with a pufferpedia - it won't let me post links here :(
Just an offside note: Volitans get over a foot long at adult size, a 55g is not going to last him long term unfortunately. There are many beautiful dwarf lions, many of which stay around the 6" mark which IMO, would be better suited.

Indeed, as Steph mentioned, Volitans need at least 18 inches and a five foot tank :sad:

I agree with Holding, forget the lionfish and go with a smaller puffer
Why does this have to be so hard? Lol I'm in love with both but it won't work which I understand I must decide. Ill keep looking but more opinions would be awesome too :) thanks everyone who has replied so far!
Not saying it wouldn't work but just note puffers are fast intelligent predatory fish they are not round slow dopey fish people think they are lol

The bioload of both would be the biggest concern IMO.

What type of puffer are you thinking about?
Ya the bioload is the biggest thing on my mind then next would probably be the nipping. What can i possibly do for the bioload? Can you pm me the link for the website?
Would like to add I've heard many sad cases of tobies eating off a lion's fins, so I agree that it's probably best to choose either a lion or puffer/toby.

EDIT: for bioload, make sure to get a good skimmer to start :good:
I think I have decided more on the puffer fish. Do you think it could be compatible with a rock fish or frog fish?
Puffers usually pick on inverts or things with big edible fins lol

I'm really not sure to be honest as I don't have any experience with rock fish but if they are camouflaged and the puffer can't see it I can't see it being a problem.

The only thing that may be a risk is that I think rock fish stay stationary all day and the puffer may decide to pick / nip at it - the best thing is to pick a fish that can escape / hide from the puffer if required.
ok thanks :) I just pmd you another question just by the way :)

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