Mostly New Member
I have a fresh water planted aquarium now in its 6th month. This is my first aquarium and through posting questions and reading up on relevant info at these forums I haven't had any real disasters yet other than a particularly nasty brush with hair algae. In my 20 gallon tank as well as the plants I have 5 guppies, 5 cherry barbs, 6 zebra danios, 2 albino corydoras, malaysian trumpet snails + 3 assassin snails to keep check and around a month back after getting to grips with the hair algae I added 10 cherry shrimps. All appears well and my weekly test results for Ammonia, Nitrite = 0ppm. My nitrate levels are up around 40ppm and I cannot seem to get them below that. I live in a hard water area ph of 7.5 with a lot of limescale in the water. I use a pair of tights to partially filter the water for my weekly 25-30% water changes and add a litre of boiling water to 6.5ltrs of cold plus de-chlorinator which gives me around 27 degrees to top up the tank. I have two filters, a Fluval U2 and a home made air powered moving bed filter from the tyne valley guys videos on YouTube. In that I use the bio-motion media balls bought from that same source and also replaced the filter media in the Fluval U2 with them as well.
There is a fish tank at the place where my daughter works and she said they use the product in the link http/ to add to their tank. Not being aware of what it is/does I googled it and then decided to first ask you guys 'n gals here your opinions on it. Is it worth buying some in addition to what I have detailed here, or is it not needed?. I am thinking that maybe it would help to reduce my nitrate levels nearer to 0 !!!?. If not are there any other ways to reduce nitrates in a planted tank?.
There is a fish tank at the place where my daughter works and she said they use the product in the link http/ to add to their tank. Not being aware of what it is/does I googled it and then decided to first ask you guys 'n gals here your opinions on it. Is it worth buying some in addition to what I have detailed here, or is it not needed?. I am thinking that maybe it would help to reduce my nitrate levels nearer to 0 !!!?. If not are there any other ways to reduce nitrates in a planted tank?.