Opinions On Filter Necessity


Fish Crazy
Feb 8, 2006
Reaction score
Warrington UK
Kogen is ok today, but i cant help thinking he might not like his filter, obviously i cant ask him but it seems like he gets 'trapped' in the current and its stressing him out. im thinking of putting my 3 diamond tetras in the 5.7gal (i got them as a b'day prezzie, and they shouldnt really be in my community tank) and downgrade kogen to a 3gal tank with just a heater and no filter. if i stay on top of the water changes, should he be ok...i think so..but i just want reasurance from the experienced ones out there!! :D

Danny :fish:
Yeah, from what I've heard, bettas don't generally like the current filters create. If you're planning on changing the water from time to time, I really wouldn't be concerned with a filter.
I have a 3 gallon, a 2.5 gallon, and two 2 gallon tanks, and none of them have filters. As long as you keep up with water changes, they should be fine. :)
Okay here's my 2 cents on the subject.

Even if you're moving him to the 3gal - I'd still get a small filter for it - because I'm a big lazy wussy! hahaha :lol:

Think bout it like this - doing 100% water changed on 3gals is a pain. . .(good choice of words) and it would be easier on you if you cycle and have a filer on it - be it the 5gal or 3.

Um sure they don't like the current - but there are filter w/ adjustable or you can wedge a sponge in the current filter to slow the flow.

I'm just rambled too many ideas off. . . :S
no, the more ideas the better. but so long as i keep on top of the water changes he should be fine?
flautist...do you have a light on all those tanks? or just natural light?

Three of them are natural light, and one has a light in the hood.
no, the more ideas the better. but so long as i keep on top of the water changes he should be fine?


Water changes?? I'm confused. Are you worried bout the current fr the filter still? Or are you worried bout water now? :S

If you're planning to cycle the tank - you'd need to monitor and change the water once levels go high - but after 4-8weeks you should be cycled and the good bacteria should be established :thumbs:

But if you're still worried about the current fr the filter - the easiest way is to wedge a sponge in there and that should slow things down - or get another filter that's adjustable. (BUYER BEWARE - MAKE SURE THE SPONGE DOESN'T HAVE NASTY INGREDIENTS AS IT COULD LEAD TO DEAD BETTA)
sorry for confusing you sukie....i meant IF i put him in the 3gal he should be ok if i keep on top of the water changes.

thanks for the info on slowing the current, but kogen has anchor worm no...so ive just bought him new everything in order to get him well..im gonna move him to a new tank with new plants, substrate, heater..the lot..i got everything x2 so i can get another betta too :D

fingers crossed for Kogen please :(

"I can see clearly now the rain has gone"


Yeh I would keep on top of the water changes - but wait to add all the pretty decorations til he gets better. As you'd have to disinfect it anyway. . .

Let us know how it goes!
I think tetras need something larger than a 5 gallon. They like to swim,swim, swim!

With that said, I don't use filters for bettas either and as long as you do your water changes he'll be fine.
thanx wuv, yeah i know, but between getting my trigon 350 and them growing up(they are only 2cm long..max)awww they should be ok since there are only 3 of them, and moved before they get too big. :)
The Azoo Palm Filter may be a good option, it only circulates 16 GPH, and from experience I can tell you that Its perfect for small betta tanks.

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