Opinions On Fighting Fish


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Jul 11, 2009
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I've never had them, but just wondered peoples opinions on them as I dont see them mentioned on here much within people stocking levels etc.

My mum has had 2 in the past (not at the same time obviously) and I thought they were beautiful but they seemed to be so shy that we rarely saw them. She had a male and a female of each and the females were the ones that made an appearance. Mum has a 170l tank and quite a few hiding places (one just kept getting himself into a hollow plant space and rarely came out.)

They look amazing in my lfs but I guess because they are in a plain tank with no ornaments they dont really have a choice than to be on show.

Are they overated or worth a go? I cant have one at the minute as have got a love of guppies but in the future maybe?

Opinions and thoughts please
Not really a community fish in general, certainly male and female should not be kept together. if you want one get a small tank (5gal+) and keep one alone.
there good but you have to work your stocking arond them because they can be agressive some will live with anythink but others will attack anythink. in a 170l i would get a load of females
I had one in my 40 litre with a few community fish, tetra, platys and so on. It was a female and I had been told that females were alright with other fish. It killed two of the platys, they had big slits in their fins. In the end i took it back to a fish store, it seemed happy enough. With guppies they might not be a good idea as guppies have big fins and mine was nipping at fins a lot.
Hope this helps
I've never had them, but just wondered peoples opinions on them as I dont see them mentioned on here much within people stocking levels etc.

My mum has had 2 in the past (not at the same time obviously) and I thought they were beautiful but they seemed to be so shy that we rarely saw them. She had a male and a female of each and the females were the ones that made an appearance. Mum has a 170l tank and quite a few hiding places (one just kept getting himself into a hollow plant space and rarely came out.)

They look amazing in my lfs but I guess because they are in a plain tank with no ornaments they dont really have a choice than to be on show.

Are they overated or worth a go? I cant have one at the minute as have got a love of guppies but in the future maybe?

Opinions and thoughts please

You are talking about Betta fish right? Is your mom keeping a male and female betta together? Not the best idea. Sounds like the male is getting beat up by the female and is scared to come out. It happens that's way you should never keep just 2 together. Females can live with other females in a 20+ Gal tank 4 or more girls is the amount you need.

It is not normal for a male betta to hide all the time. Something might be wrong. I have been keeping betta fish for 10 years. I never had a male hide all day and I have had a lot of them I was addicted to collecting them.

Anywayys bettas are the reason I got into fish keeping. I do not think they are over rated at all. They are great little fish with personality. I have moved on from bettas but yet I still have my one male. They are one fish I think I will always have no matter what. Not everone loves them but I will always have a little place in my heart for them.
siamese fighter fish are also known as bettas. In the index there is a tab specially dedicated to these fish with plenty of pictures to tickle your fancy!

I do not think they are overrated at all, they have tons of personalities individual to the fish along with looks and finnage.

For a setup you would be looking between 3-5gallons. Most people would recommend 5g for the one fish (you can have occupants such as shrimp, snails, african dwarf frog, etc)

People have successfully kept them in with community tanks but it is really dependant of the betta, the betta willmost likely have a much better lifestyle with a tank dedicated to him.

From my limited experience and reading lots of the betta forum, it is unusal for one to hide like that. If it was in a community tank it may have been picked on or felt harrassed and hid itself away.

Their diets are best suited on betta pellets such as BioGold, also substitute in bloodworm, etc with occasional peas, most go mad over peas.

When you first get one it may sulk for a couple of days refusing to eat but most come around and they all have wonderful personalities!

That is probably a bit much info but if you want more here is the link:

there are a lot of very useful pinned links at the top that are informative for beginner and expert alike. Enjoy!

p.s. as they have easily ripped fins you will need smooth ornaments and either live or silk plants not plastic
I've never had them, but just wondered peoples opinions on them as I dont see them mentioned on here much within people stocking levels etc.

My mum has had 2 in the past (not at the same time obviously) and I thought they were beautiful but they seemed to be so shy that we rarely saw them. She had a male and a female of each and the females were the ones that made an appearance. Mum has a 170l tank and quite a few hiding places (one just kept getting himself into a hollow plant space and rarely came out.)

They look amazing in my lfs but I guess because they are in a plain tank with no ornaments they dont really have a choice than to be on show.

Are they overated or worth a go? I cant have one at the minute as have got a love of guppies but in the future maybe?

Opinions and thoughts please

You are talking about Betta fish right? Is your mom keeping a male and female betta together? Not the best idea. Sounds like the male is getting beat up by the female and is scared to come out. It happens that's way you should never keep just 2 together. Females can live with other females in a 20+ Gal tank 4 or more girls is the amount you need.

It is not normal for a male betta to hide all the time. Something might be wrong. I have been keeping betta fish for 10 years. I never had a male hide all day and I have had a lot of them I was addicted to collecting them.

Anywayys bettas are the reason I got into fish keeping. I do not think they are over rated at all. They are great little fish with personality. I have moved on from bettas but yet I still have my one male. They are one fish I think I will always have no matter what. Not everone loves them but I will always have a little place in my heart for them.

I have had bettas for a long time also. I love them. Some I have had to keep alone and some have been so mellow that they have had tankmates. I have always had males though. My current betta is beautiful and lives in my 46 gallon community tank with 20 other fish. He's out and swimming around all the time and has even taken to the two angel fish I added. I hope it stays that way.

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