Opinions On Beanies As Betta Homes


Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
Oct 28, 2003
Reaction score
Camarillo, CA
I've been keeping a few of my bettas in beanie containers temporarily until the tanks I ordered from a shop a month ago!!! get in. Well, come to find out they are on backorder and it's gonna be awhile. The two tanks ended up costing me like $130 and I was looking at my fish in the beanies and they seem perfectly happy. I've been doing changes on them every day and honestly, it's easier to change the beanies. They are .55 of a gallon. I just don't like how tall they are. I've been looking for larger sizes on ebay and stuff, but they are going to end up costing just as much as a tank. So I was thinking about getting a refund and buying more beanie boxes. Majority of my fish are still in 2.5's, but I'm running out of room.

Soooo... what I want to know is what you guys think about keeping bettas in beanies. Keep in mind I don't just have like 3 bettas and I'm being lame, lazy and cheap. I got like 40.
I think they are great for placing a betta in while doing a water change, or as a quarentine tank if it's sick, but I personally think the beanie boxes are too small for a permenant home. I totally understand the need for space though. When I'm faced with this problem, I don't downgrade the size of my fish's home, I get rid of other stuff to make room. I would go around the house and make a list of furnature and/or nick nacks that you don't need or want, and sell them. Then use the money to buy more tanks and fish! :D
Too small for my liking, I try for atleast a gallon but if you think they look fine and happy then do what you think is best for the fish. Currently my betta is in a 2.5 gallon. With bettas growing to around 3 inches they actually deserve a 3 gallon or more if you follow the one inch per gallon rule.
I'd never use beanies for anything but the youngest of jarred fry, there just isn't any swimming room. If you don't mind the containers being less than crystal clear, you could do what I did and buy cheap tupperware to house them in... less than $2 for a container that's nearly 1 gallon, and they're stackable!!
Agree with the above, I've used them to temporarily hold some of my 3 month old's whilst tanks have been sorted out, they're OK for 3/4 inch juvies but not for 2.5 inch adults.
I agree with everyone else, there just isn't a lot of room in them for an adult. I use them for juvies but they aren't in there for too long. I recently had to put one of my adults in one during a re-shuffle when a heater broke and he was miserable as sin for the few days he was in there :/
Okay, thanks guys.

I always said I wasn't going to become one of those people who kept their fish in jars. :S I'll go get some 2.5's tonight or tomorrow. Thanks!

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