open topic


Fish Fanatic
Apr 3, 2005
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Hi , i'm new tothe fish game but my tank seems to be doing ok now after a few initial deaths but we think it was just the place we bought them from . we bought six fish and only two left now but introduced another 3 from another fish supplier and they are ine and no deaths . Anyway I am looking to get a bottom feeder but only a small one and prfereably not green ! any ideas ? I've seen an albino one but thats fromthe place where the dead fish were from so not to happy about buying it . :blink:
3 diamond guppies , 1 dalmation mollie and 1 sunburst platy , the tank is 24x18x12 and has been running for two weeks now .
i would test the water to be sure the tank is cycled.The platys like to be in groups really so mabe get afew more of them!Cories are peaceful hardy fish and are very active and fun to watch and come in many different types mabe afew of them?i wudnt get ANY more fish until you are sure the tank is cycled!
your tank needs to cycle properly before you add any more fish :/ .

See the pinned topics at the top of this forum for some great info on cycling your tank.

One this has been done however, can I suggest a school of 4 - 5 corydoras?

They only grow to a couple of inches and there are loads of various types.....albino, sterbai, julii, panda (maybe not...very delicate) and loads of others, so you don't have to have green!! :thumbs:

Corys are a lovely little fish that would do your tank proud (once cycled!!).

Another option is Ottos, however they are very delicate and water conditions must be optimum otherwise the likelihood is they won't survive :/ .

Or you can go for a bristlenose catfish. I think they only grow to about 6" but i am sure I will be corrected shortly if I am mistaken!

hope this helps

Like others have said before, finish the cycle of your tank and test the water often. Your initial fish deaths could very well have been the result of toxin build up.
Hi , i'm new tothe fish game but my tank seems to be doing ok now after a few initial deaths but we think it was just the place we bought them from

Hi and welcome. I doubt very much that the death of your fish was due to where you bought them. Your tank is still very new and cycling and your fish died because of this. You'll find a lot of useful information in the pinned articles at the beginning of this section.
I really don't advise getting any more fish at the moment, just wait patiently until your tank has finished cycling and then add more fish slowly. In the meantime, keep an eye on the water and test it often. If you find that the amonia and/or nitrite levels are high, then do a water change.
I agree with what has been said and am only realy posting because there are a few links in my signature which I suggest you read. Some are from the pinned topics.

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