Open For Suggestions


Fish Crazy
Aug 2, 2004
Reaction score
Hampton Bays, NY (Good Ground)
Well I have put my two crown tails together for breeding. His idea of a bubble nest was the size of my fingernail. He courted her for a bit, and she'd check the nest. Since she didn't like the nest she wouldn't pay any attention to him. Well the problem is now, they are not interested in breeding at all and seem to be best buddies traveling around side by side. No flaring, no fighting, nothing. Just two fish swimming together. In fact, she gets upset when you separate them.

Someone suggested putting a nest in the tank or getting another male to build one but since they don't seem to be interested in breeding, I hesitate in doing that.

How can I get that sparke rekindled or should I give up completely and look for another male?
That's just funny Nashnut. Don't you hate it when your fish don't cooperate? Sorry, can't help you, though. I've never bred bettas. I probably wouldn't push luck keeping them together like that, though, even if they are acting like old chums. So what if she gets mad when you remove her, what is she going to do about it, bite you? :lol:
Try floating another male in a hurricane vase (you know..the top part of a oil lamp)...the thought of competition might make him change his attitude.
good advice SRC...Ive tried that and it works quite could try that or I know you said you didnt wanna really try it...but what really has worked for me is just taking a spoon and taking one spoonful of nest from another boy and just softly put it in the water...when they see it they kinda go "Oh yeah! That's what I was doing!" and usually start it back up again...thats worked really well for me :) good luck with it though :) (also if you wanna try...get some amazon rain...wuv told me to try it and it honestly works wonders!)
Haha, that's so funny! Mini and Ipos spent some time just swimming together when I was trying to breed them, but eventually they got down to business. Putting another male within view and using the nest of another male are both good suggestions

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