Opaline Gouramie - Something Is Really Wrong


Fish Fanatic
Oct 8, 2010
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Something wrong with opaline gourami - please help

He/ she isn't swimming right, there's something wrong.
Have done a video to show you.

I dont know if this has anything to do with it but this afternoon i found a dead guppy on the bottom of the tank on the gravel.
I took it straight out and did a 30% water change.

Is my gourami going to die? I heard of stuff like swim bladder but i dont know what that is or if he has it.
please help me fix him :(
i don't want him to die :(


(didnt know which was the right code to copy)
Yeah that looks like swimbladder problems, it sometime just goes on its own, or u might want to feed it blood worm if you can feed it bloodworm.
Size of tank in gallons or litres.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
What do you feed your fish.

Don't feed for 2 days.
Feed only shelled peas.
Check the fish for when they go to the toilet.

Is the fish also tilting to oneside.

Causes of swim bladder, unstable diet. to many dried foods, constipation, bacterial, unstable temp, internal parasites, injury, birth defect of the swim bladder, bad water quality.

Don't feed bloodworms they can make it worse as they can cause bloating if you over feed them.
Shelled peas are the best for swim bladder.
Size of tank in gallons or litres.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
What do you feed your fish.

Don't feed for 2 days.
Feed only shelled peas.
Check the fish for when they go to the toilet.

Is the fish also tilting to oneside.

Causes of swim bladder, unstable diet. to many dried foods, constipation, bacterial, unstable temp, internal parasites, injury, birth defect of the swim bladder, bad water quality.

Don't feed bloodworms they can make it worse as they can cause bloating if you over feed them.
Shelled peas are the best for swim bladder.

Tank is around 40 us gallons
10 platies
6 guppies
3 opaline gourami

I don't test my water, sorry :S
I feed them flakes. Twice a day and whatever is uneaten after 2 minutes gets scooped out.

Ok, will the others be ok with that too?
oops wont feed bloodworm then.

Have been doing 30 - 50% water changes every day.

No he isnt tilting, it just looks like he is being pulled upwards by his rear end when he is swimming if that makes sense?
he spends a lot o time at the top of the tank just resting there if that makes sense.

all other fish are fine.

edited to add: i havent had the gouramis for long. only since monday
Get your water tested.
It's very important. You need to rule bad water quality out. It's the first thing to look at.

Improve the fish diet with more frozen foods like daphnia, which helps the fish digest it's food, brime shrimp.
Introduce some green veg into there diet.

Cook some frozen garden peas in boiling water for a few minutes. Let cool down, pop out of shell.
Chop into small pieces and add to the tank.
Remove uneaten peas.

Does the fish look pale or darker in colour?
Is the fish acting listless and lethagic.
Get your water tested.
It's very important. You need to rule bad water quality out. It's the first thing to look at.

Improve the fish diet with more frozen foods like daphnia, which helps the fish digest it's food, brime shrimp.
Introduce some green veg into there diet.

Cook some frozen garden peas in boiling water for a few minutes. Let cool down, pop out of shell.
Chop into small pieces and add to the tank.
Remove uneaten peas.

Does the fish look pale or darker in colour?
Is the fish acting listless and lethagic.

He seems to be doing fine now. I followed your advice on the peas and it seems to have worked.

(There wasn't any change in colour or other behaviour. Just the swimming issue.)

Thanks for your help :)
Thanks for the update.
Glad the fish is ok now.

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