Opaline Gourami Aggresive?


New Member
May 27, 2009
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Are male Opaline agressive to other males? I used to have two male Opaline and one female Dwarf Gourami and they all used to chase eachother about but never harm eachother but I have read that Opaline males are agressive whereas iv been told in my LFS that in general female Gourami are more agressive? Confused!!

I currently have one of the male Opaline Gourami left and want to add more Gourami. I want to build up a tank of Gourami so would it be best to add another Opaline male or a couple of females for him? Would a pair of dwarfs be ok with them aswell or any other of the smaller species of Gourami?

Also any idea how many Gourami max would I be able to have in a 30Gallon tank along with two catfish?
After doing a fair bit of reading about gouramis I am in the same boat. At the moment I have 1 male Opaline, Golden and Pearl Gourami and 2 Female Pearls and 1 female golden. I intend to incease my stock to 2 females per male - as I too have noticed the odd male getting aggresive. The Pearl females were added a few days ago and seem to be seattling in nicely.

If I was you I'd go for more females than males.
After doing a fair bit of reading about gouramis I am in the same boat. At the moment I have 1 male Opaline, Golden and Pearl Gourami and 2 Female Pearls and 1 female golden. I intend to incease my stock to 2 females per male - as I too have noticed the odd male getting aggresive. The Pearl females were added a few days ago and seem to be seattling in nicely.

If I was you I'd go for more females than males.

Ahh that sounds like a nice tank. Im deff gonna put 2 female Opalines in my tank. Dont know how many fish im gonna be able to fit in there though because my tanks only 30gallon, would like a couple of Golden (or maybe settle for something smaller orange/gold) too for a good colour contrast bewteen the two.
Have you thought about a honey gourami? Personally I wouldn't add them untill the male is seattled down a bit more. :)
Have you thought about a honey gourami? Personally I wouldn't add them untill the male is seattled down a bit more. :)

I did think about Honey Gourami but some people have warned about the two together because the Honey is so much smaller and more timid. Iv had my male Opaline for at least a year now, the male I bought him with was weak so died and his best buddy is now a Molly lol they swim about the tank side by side all day long.

Went to my LFS today to get couple Opaline females but came away with a plant insted haha. There Gourami were only about and inch, maybe less... which worried me a little because of the lack of many hiding places and a big old grumpy catfish hanging about my tank
I've seen larger gourami's in my local Pet's at home but they charge around £15 for one!!!

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