

Fish Fanatic
Jan 7, 2006
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Warroad Minnesota
Earlier today I was changeing the water in my betta tank. When I knelt down to use the vacume I kind of knelt down on the glass top and broke it into a million pieces.... I could just leave my betta in the tank without a lid.. soo... I put it in the 10 gallon which was empty.. :/ I wasn't planning on keeping just fish in there but he does look great! much better than he did in the 2.5 gallon. Once my dad gets back from florida with the camera I'll take some pics! Maybe if i can get a piece of glass cut to fit the top of the tank maybe I could get another betta! Maybe a different one though.... I really like those half moons!
That's a happy accident for your Betta! Now you need a partition to seperate your 1st one from your 2nd one in the 10 gallon tank so they don't tear each other up. Sounds like things worked out for the best for everybody.
or for long term, if it's a regular sized 10 gallon tank, you can buy black plastic tank lids from chain pet stores (pets@home etc) for not too much money.
No, its not the 10 gallon lid that broke, its the 2.5 gallon's lid. Since we have a huge window plant in our town I was thinking maybe I could get some extra glass from there and get it cut down to the right size.
Actually you can order glass to any size you want. Measure what you'd like and give any glass company a call. You'll probably want single pane. I order lots and lots of glass when I'm framing my artwork before an exhibit. It's not expensive at all.

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