Oooh My Female Thinks She Is A Salmon


Fish Crazy
Jun 24, 2005
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One of my new CT females is a real character. She is super 'frisky' for one, and absolutely so full of eggs. Too bad she squirted out a bunch and ate them :crazy:

She is all alone in a Minibow with a biowheel filter with flow cut down some. Funny Funny girl she is. there are plants for her to sit or hide in, and a terracotta pot...BUT, what does she do?

She swims UP the outflow, into the filter. I sh*t you not. I have watched her do it! Now she seems to enjoy this little ride, and is happy, fat and eating but what a maniac! Dhe also managed to stratch a few scales off doing this as she is not exactly the best fit for the outflow. So tomorrow I am going to lower the water level some so she can't get in there.

I do have some females who like outflow and current (and one who hates it, she prefers to be jarred and builds nests!) - but what a weirdo to swim right into the filter to get spat out.
Too funny. It's good she's alone or one of the other fish might take to thinking it's a bear........It could happen. :thumbs:
My new one started flaring at some unseen enemy at one side if his tank and started attacking the bubbles coming out of the filter not far away. I got a smaller filter with fewer bubbles and tied a knot in the tube. Aren't they crazy tho?
My blue betta was in a split tank with 3 platies on other side. They had an air stone and when it used to be near the divider he spent all day attacking the bubbles. They used to come through about one a minute, and he never left his post. So in the end I pegged the air stone to other side of tank so he couldnt get at them!

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