Miss Wiggle
Practically perfect in every way
posting this here for you oddball lovers to chip in with your suggestions particularly asa lot of oddballs are not commonly available in lfs so i guessyou often have to look online
if you see this topic, I'm doing some work sorting out the pinned topic on mail order fish stores and I need your input.
So please post about the online or mail order stores you use and what you think of them.
i'd want to cover online stores and ebay, plants, equipment and accessories as well as just fish, then combine all the recommendations throughout the post onto one page, sorted into groups like oddballs, cichlids, betta's etc
Your reviews can either be positive or negative but please just keep it factual so we've nothing that could be interepreted as slander or anything like that and land William in trouble!
Can you please include the following information-
- Name of the store/seller
- Link to they're website - please note if they also sell on ebay can you please get me the link to they're ebay store as well as they're 'normal' website
- If they've no website then contact details
- What area they specialise in (either fish groups or fish/plants/equipment etc)
- What you have bought from them (don't need to give specific items, just fish/plants/equipment etc) and what you thought of
i - the product(s)
ii - the delivery time/service
iii - the customer service
- Any extra information you think would be helpful.
so thanks in advance for helping
edit - one more thing to add, keep this UK for the time being please just cos of the amount of work involved and the time I have..... I'm sure if someone else wants to start one for the USA or anywhere else that'd be fine.
if you see this topic, I'm doing some work sorting out the pinned topic on mail order fish stores and I need your input.
So please post about the online or mail order stores you use and what you think of them.
i'd want to cover online stores and ebay, plants, equipment and accessories as well as just fish, then combine all the recommendations throughout the post onto one page, sorted into groups like oddballs, cichlids, betta's etc
Your reviews can either be positive or negative but please just keep it factual so we've nothing that could be interepreted as slander or anything like that and land William in trouble!
Can you please include the following information-
- Name of the store/seller
- Link to they're website - please note if they also sell on ebay can you please get me the link to they're ebay store as well as they're 'normal' website
- If they've no website then contact details
- What area they specialise in (either fish groups or fish/plants/equipment etc)
- What you have bought from them (don't need to give specific items, just fish/plants/equipment etc) and what you thought of
i - the product(s)
ii - the delivery time/service
iii - the customer service
- Any extra information you think would be helpful.
so thanks in advance for helping
edit - one more thing to add, keep this UK for the time being please just cos of the amount of work involved and the time I have..... I'm sure if someone else wants to start one for the USA or anywhere else that'd be fine.