omega59 Fish Gatherer Joined Aug 31, 2007 Messages 2,260 Reaction score 11 Location CA Sep 9, 2009 #1 any Canadian sites that sell livestock online, and how can i be sure they will send me the good conditioned fish?
any Canadian sites that sell livestock online, and how can i be sure they will send me the good conditioned fish?
youngfisher Marine Keeper.. Joined Apr 20, 2009 Messages 3,105 Reaction score 0 Location Leicester Sep 9, 2009 #2 Not sure if they deliver to canada but is quite good.
Buddyboy67 Fish Herder Joined May 24, 2009 Messages 1,446 Reaction score 0 Location Co.Antrim,N.Ireland Sep 9, 2009 #3 Check on reef central for a lot of u s suppliers ..may be canadian outlets on there too
OP OP omega59 Fish Gatherer Joined Aug 31, 2007 Messages 2,260 Reaction score 11 Location CA Sep 9, 2009 #4 do the corals need special lighting, or is the basic aquarium top light fine? i was looking at some Colony Polyp or Candy Cane Coral.
do the corals need special lighting, or is the basic aquarium top light fine? i was looking at some Colony Polyp or Candy Cane Coral.
TigerIssey Queen TI Joined Sep 18, 2006 Messages 3,584 Reaction score 0 Location Forest of Bowland, Lancashire Sep 9, 2009 #5 What aquarium do you have and what lighting is supplied. What is the depth of the aquarium and what type of corals are you wishing to keep.
What aquarium do you have and what lighting is supplied. What is the depth of the aquarium and what type of corals are you wishing to keep.
OP OP omega59 Fish Gatherer Joined Aug 31, 2007 Messages 2,260 Reaction score 11 Location CA Sep 9, 2009 #6 it's a 30gallon aquarium with a basic light fixture on top (two tube bulbs.) I would like to get one of these in there Green Apple Cap Coral Colony Polyp Candy Cane Coral Pulse Coral Anemone Bubble Tip
it's a 30gallon aquarium with a basic light fixture on top (two tube bulbs.) I would like to get one of these in there Green Apple Cap Coral Colony Polyp Candy Cane Coral Pulse Coral Anemone Bubble Tip
TigerIssey Queen TI Joined Sep 18, 2006 Messages 3,584 Reaction score 0 Location Forest of Bowland, Lancashire Sep 9, 2009 #7 Need the actual wattage of the bulbs and whether T8, T5 or T5 Compact Fluorescent and th actual depth of the aquarium, from substrate to water line.
Need the actual wattage of the bulbs and whether T8, T5 or T5 Compact Fluorescent and th actual depth of the aquarium, from substrate to water line.
OP OP omega59 Fish Gatherer Joined Aug 31, 2007 Messages 2,260 Reaction score 11 Location CA Sep 9, 2009 #8 it's a 25watt bulb T10. 16 inches from bottom of sand bed to top of water level. If this is not correct lighting, can my lid fit the correct one needed?
it's a 25watt bulb T10. 16 inches from bottom of sand bed to top of water level. If this is not correct lighting, can my lid fit the correct one needed?
TigerIssey Queen TI Joined Sep 18, 2006 Messages 3,584 Reaction score 0 Location Forest of Bowland, Lancashire Sep 9, 2009 #9 I don't think that will any where near enough lighting for most of the stuff on your list. Have you got a photograph of your hood that we could look at.
I don't think that will any where near enough lighting for most of the stuff on your list. Have you got a photograph of your hood that we could look at.
OP OP omega59 Fish Gatherer Joined Aug 31, 2007 Messages 2,260 Reaction score 11 Location CA Sep 9, 2009 #10 my light is like this.. but without the full canape. So it's a flat glass top with light sitting on top.
my light is like this.. but without the full canape. So it's a flat glass top with light sitting on top.
TigerIssey Queen TI Joined Sep 18, 2006 Messages 3,584 Reaction score 0 Location Forest of Bowland, Lancashire Sep 9, 2009 #11 SkiFletch may be best here as he will know whats available on your side of the pond.
OP OP omega59 Fish Gatherer Joined Aug 31, 2007 Messages 2,260 Reaction score 11 Location CA Sep 9, 2009 #12 awww after all those questions HEHE okay thanks
TigerIssey Queen TI Joined Sep 18, 2006 Messages 3,584 Reaction score 0 Location Forest of Bowland, Lancashire Sep 9, 2009 #13 Ski will need the answers to those questions to help you anyway
OP OP omega59 Fish Gatherer Joined Aug 31, 2007 Messages 2,260 Reaction score 11 Location CA Sep 9, 2009 #14 okay, can you tell ask him to read this all then, i dunno who SkiFletch is.
TigerIssey Queen TI Joined Sep 18, 2006 Messages 3,584 Reaction score 0 Location Forest of Bowland, Lancashire Sep 9, 2009 #15 Skifletch is the Moderator for this section, he lives on your side of the pond and should look at most posts in this section anyway next time he logs on.
Skifletch is the Moderator for this section, he lives on your side of the pond and should look at most posts in this section anyway next time he logs on.