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Fish Fanatic
Aug 1, 2004
Reaction score
Glasgow, Scotland
Have any of you used this guy for your fish before?

His plec prices seem amazing, ok so the delivery is £18 but it would be well worth it if you were buying two or three nice plecs.
Shrimpster - well if you guys can't mindread I suppose I'll just have to supply the link then!! :*)

LadyMinion - :p

Two mistakes in one post - dagnammit I impress even me!

Hey SirMinion :D

One of the greatest books EVER!

Got to top 5 of the BBC book awards and was only beaten by wuthering heights and pride and preduice.

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy is amazing!

Respect to your library mucker!
I never used that guy.... but Trimar is meant to be really good (although their website is not the best)

Rdelusion said:
One of the greatest books EVER!
Got to top 5 of the BBC book awards and was only beaten by wuthering heights and pride and preduice.
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy is amazing!
Respect to your library mucker!
Heh, you're the first person to recognise the quote.

The movie has now finished shooting and should be out next summer.

I so hope they haven't cocked it up. *fingers crossed*
LOL I KNEW something was bothering me about your member title and then it clicked!

Your taste in TV programs is as great as your taste in books!

It's never been the same since series 2 and 3 but Red Dwarf remains genius!

Think they've scrapped ideas about the film now though :-(

- looking for more hidden quotes and if I see anything from Billy Connelly or Ben Elton in there I'm gonna start getting scared!
Rdelusion said:
Think they've scrapped ideas about the (Red Dwarf) film now though.
It's still 'green lit' but it's on 'long term hiatus.

Read more here.

Oh, and by the way... gotta getta double seat...

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