Online fish

Country joe

Fish Crazy
Mar 13, 2024
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I'm looking for some ember tetras, my aquarium shop neverstocks them,i had a look in PAH, and they have them, but they are tiny, and im not keen on using them, still thinking about it. It would be handy to buy locally,
Can anyone recommend a online stockist who sells decent fish.
I know this doesn't help, you being in Scotland...
I was actually looking to see where they got them...
these were listed as "Hobbyist Bred and Raised"... so there may be some place in Scotland where someone raises them...
Dan's often orders fish from Aquarium Glaser... I know they have a site... maybe you can talk a local place into ordering them, for you, or maybe you can order from Glaser, & have them shipped directly to you, or your local fish shop, if they agreed to receive them for you???
Personally I’d just use PAH and grow out the tetras as I’ve had bad experiences with online fish orders (cost, DOA etc). You could see if there are any shops a bit further out from where you are perhaps even south of the border 😉. My LFS Abyss has customers coming up from London for fish collections
ask the local shop if they can order some in when they are available
ask the local shop if they can order some in when they are available
I don't think they like them, he said he can only order 100 at a time so it's a no no, Maidenhead aquatics at Carlisle South of the border is 33 miles from me, i may, go there, or I can buy on line, but I've never done that, so if anyone knows any that have good fish, and a good company, to deal with, me know. let
The main issue with buying fish on-line is the cost of delivery. It often costs more than the fish, especially when buying just a few fish. The fuel used driving to that Maidenhead Aquatics would be a lot less than the cost of postage for fish bought on-line. For example, one store I've just looked at is currently charging £1.55 per ember tetra with a delivery charge of £19.95.
I don't think they like them, he said he can only order 100 at a time so it's a no no, Maidenhead aquatics at Carlisle South of the border is 33 miles from me, i may, go there, or I can buy on line, but I've never done that, so if anyone knows any that have good fish, and a good company, to deal with, me know. let
That doesn't sound right. Any fish supplier in this country will send you 2 fish if you ask for them and no suppliers have a minimum limit of 100. About the only reason I could think of that would require a minimum order of 100 is if they are getting them directly from a fish farm or overseas supplier.

Go for a drive to Maidenhead and see what they have. Maybe call beforehand and see if they can order you some of the fish in. And if they have any in stock, get them to hold onto them for you.
when it comes to the smaller fairly common species minimums are not all that unusual. Bear in mind that it doesn't pay to sell cheap fish in smallquantities unless the mark-up is about 300%. Then there is the demand issue. Most stores want to move stock out as close to getting them as is possible. So if one is the only person asking a store for them, I doubt that store will get them for just one buyer unless that buyer is taking the entire minimum. Stores do not buy a couple of tetras or rasboras etc. As the economics do not make much sense and most supplies want a more subt=stantial order of such fish than under 10 fish.

If the wholesaler buys them in the few 100s, they want the shops to be buying a minimum number or it isn't worth the bother. Wcwn if this is just 25 fish, that often leaves them with 15-20 more they must house and feed until the rest are sold.

I have imported fish on a few occasions. My interest in doing this was twofold. First I wanted healthy fish so I bought from Bellenz. I also wanted to pau as little as possible on a per fish basis. So working with a partner we imported 324 zebra plecos in early 2020 just as Covid was starting to shut down weekend events. We got so many to keep the price low.

Todat, I can buy theos same fish for about 1/2 of what we paid 3 years ago. I know that there are multiple farms breeding zebras in Asia and they are flooding the world markets with cheap zebras. The price to day is cheap compared to the $150/fish I was getting starting in 2007for 1.4 in TL fish. When we imported them we paid about $33/fish landed in the states. They cost less today and the prices are dropping. It is likely that their are currently more zebras in tanks around the globe than there are in the wild.
I'm looking for some ember tetras, my aquarium shop neverstocks them,i had a look in PAH, and they have them, but they are tiny, and im not keen on using them, still thinking about it. It would be handy to buy locally,
Can anyone recommend an online stockist who sells decent fish.
Don’t know where in Scotland you are but Riverside Aquatics in Uphall have very good stock and will order in for you.
Not had any issues with any fish from them. Plants are another story though
Thanks I'm South West Scotland It's 33 miles to Carlisle have been in touch with Maidenhead aquatics they have two large stores there, and both keep, chili Rasboras, the downside is I've never been in their stores, are they just like PAH.
Maidenhead Aquatics are better than PAH as they are fish-only shops unlike PAH which sells things for many other pets as well as fish. But MA still has good ones and bad ones.

Look round before buying; if there are any other customers listen to their conversations with staff. Maybe ask some trick questions, for example can I keep one of those clown loaches in my 40 litre tank. (Clown loaches grow huge and need a shoal so if they say 'yes' you know they're talking rubbish)

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