Online Casino Brigade

Phew! that was possibly the most tenacious spammer we've ever had!
A list of gambling links added to every single forum & sub-forum - 37 in all.

They do it to get Google to index their links so that their pages move up the search results.

Not on MY watch though!

All gone.
Mwaaahahahaha :lol:
Thats was very annoying! Whole first page was just casino good work you guys and gals medals for the mods me thinks!
First time i've seen the mods in action, aparting from wrongfully(IMO) banning someone, but i'm not going into that debate again.
Good work guys! :good:

Phew! that was possibly the most tenacious spammer we've ever had!
A list of gambling links added to every single forum & sub-forum - 37 in all.

They do it to get Google to index their links so that their pages move up the search results.

Not on MY watch though!

All gone.
Mwaaahahahaha :lol:

the quickest spam removal i have ever seen since i joined this forum.
the longest was more than a day.

good job!
Yeah that was pretty awesome mass removal !

Hope they stay away :grr:
good going, Mr.Minion! I logged on to find 27 someodd reports and sat clicking them all only to find you'd already swept up :good:

(My first thought was that a certain topic had gone awry) :look:
First time i've seen the mods in action, aparting from wrongfully(IMO) banning someone, but i'm not going into that debate again.
Good work guys! :good:


Thats a very good way of publically not getting into a subject. Perhaps the reason why the mods seem to simply dwell on the outskirts is because they do their job well?

I know that theres a few scripts available that have long lists of websites that shouldn't be linked to and stop the links from appearing in posts for phpBB and SMF. Im not so sure about Invision though, but if its been done for one board, its likely that its been done for another. Its a pain when forums get spammed, its lucky you spotted it CFC otherwise it might have gotten out of hand. Imagine a post in every thread in every forum with a link back... youd still be hitting delete right now ;)
Its a pain when forums get spammed, its lucky you spotted it CFC otherwise it might have gotten out of hand. Imagine a post in every thread in every forum with a link back... youd still be hitting delete right now ;)

CFC was sleeping at the time it all happened :lol: :lol: :lol:
Good job Sir! I just cleaned up the last few from the Index, and the FAQs. Hopefully that's the end of it. :good:

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