Fish Crazy
I'm having a very similar situation as in this thread: http/
(Tiger barb hiding when lights are on in the plants, coming out at night only, colors seem faded)
The difference I am having is only one of my tigers is doing this. It's stressed for some reason. Possibly overcrowding, but then I don't know how to explain why only one of my 3 seems shy. Within 2 weeks of getting them the tank came down with ICH which I have just finished treating. Figured the fish, also being the one first to show signs, was simply stressed due to the chemicals and lack of water change. Treatment is over. Carbon filter replaced. Did a water change yesterday. Fish is still hiding???
All the other fish in the tank are doing excellent despite the overcrowding and such. I have a fairly heavily planted tank. This particular tiger hides in my java fern all day long, only occasionally coming out. It has very little red so my guess is it is a female. I know at least one of my others has to be a male. Very deep red on the dorsal fin. Not sure about the sex of my third. These are guesses to begin with. The other two barbs don't bother the shy one. They seem highly entertained playing a chasing game with one another.
Tank is small. 5.5 gallons and it has danios and the tiger barbs, a single guppy, an otto, and a BN catfish.
Is this a result of me simply mistreating the fish and making it live in a small tank? Is the fish sick? I know I still see two flecks on its tail, but I think they are part of the fish's body. They're the same color as the tail and I noticed them way back right after I got the fish. I would imagine if it were ICH those would be the first "flecks" to disappear after my first couple treatments of Malachite Green.
So in a nutshell:
-Pigment on fish is dull
-Fish seems to sit in plants gulping a lot
-Avoids being seen, but every few days I witness it eating off the top with the others before dashing back in the plants
-All other fish are happy and healthy even in a small tank
Not a good photo, but you can kind of see here she isn't very vibrant in color. She's actually lighter than this at times. My other two are a green and albino tiger barb. Even the albino looks vibrant compared to her.
(Tiger barb hiding when lights are on in the plants, coming out at night only, colors seem faded)
The difference I am having is only one of my tigers is doing this. It's stressed for some reason. Possibly overcrowding, but then I don't know how to explain why only one of my 3 seems shy. Within 2 weeks of getting them the tank came down with ICH which I have just finished treating. Figured the fish, also being the one first to show signs, was simply stressed due to the chemicals and lack of water change. Treatment is over. Carbon filter replaced. Did a water change yesterday. Fish is still hiding???
All the other fish in the tank are doing excellent despite the overcrowding and such. I have a fairly heavily planted tank. This particular tiger hides in my java fern all day long, only occasionally coming out. It has very little red so my guess is it is a female. I know at least one of my others has to be a male. Very deep red on the dorsal fin. Not sure about the sex of my third. These are guesses to begin with. The other two barbs don't bother the shy one. They seem highly entertained playing a chasing game with one another.
Tank is small. 5.5 gallons and it has danios and the tiger barbs, a single guppy, an otto, and a BN catfish.
Is this a result of me simply mistreating the fish and making it live in a small tank? Is the fish sick? I know I still see two flecks on its tail, but I think they are part of the fish's body. They're the same color as the tail and I noticed them way back right after I got the fish. I would imagine if it were ICH those would be the first "flecks" to disappear after my first couple treatments of Malachite Green.
So in a nutshell:
-Pigment on fish is dull
-Fish seems to sit in plants gulping a lot
-Avoids being seen, but every few days I witness it eating off the top with the others before dashing back in the plants
-All other fish are happy and healthy even in a small tank
Not a good photo, but you can kind of see here she isn't very vibrant in color. She's actually lighter than this at times. My other two are a green and albino tiger barb. Even the albino looks vibrant compared to her.