One-spot Rabbitfish With Fuzzy Spots On Pectorals


New Member
Jan 11, 2006
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Edgewood, WA, USA
Yesterday, we noticed white fuzzy looking spots on the pectoral fins of our one-spot rabbitfish. Since yesterday they have not gotten any worse. The other thing we noticed were two tiny spots that look like pimples, one on the lateral line near the head and the other on the caudal peduncle. The one near the head is gone now, but the one on the caudal peduncle is still there.

The fish is not scraping, is eating well, has full color, there is no fin damage or rot, there are no white spots on the body, and it is its normal freaky self. None of our other fish have any spots.

Can a parasitic infection stay localized on the fins?

Other details that may help: 90 gallon FOWLR, ammonia=0, nitrite=0, nitrate=0. 20% water change weekly, pH=8.2, salinity=1.022, temp is 77 degrees. Tankmates: 5 small blue-green chromis, 1 coral beauty angelfish, 2 clark's clownfish, 1 lawnmower blenny. Cascade 1200 canister filter, prizm delux skimmer, one powerhead for water movement.

I could not find a forum for marine diseases. If there is one, please feel free to move my post.

Any help you can offer is much appreciated.
No one has answered, but I thought I'd give an update anyway. The fuzzy spots have gone away and everything looks good.

We have decided the problem must have been an artificial anenome we added. His spots appeared the next morning after adding the anenome to the tank. We have used some corals by Walt Smith's Nature's Image and were happy with the quality, but this one seems poorly finished off and the plastic compound is much stiffer than the corals. I soaked it for a couple of days before adding it to the aquairium; however, the skimmer started acting up and putting out tons of micro bubbles. We took out the anenome and took off the skimmer for a couple of days. All has returned to normal. This may not be the cause of the problem, but it sure is coincidental.

Most problems are caused by something imported or poor water quality. As usual, this is the first area to look when a fish has a problem.

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