One Shrimp Two Shrimp


Fish Fanatic
May 6, 2006
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hi. my thirty (us) gallon tank is cycling right now, and when i get to add livestock, i plan on using amano shrimp for the "cleanup crew" how many should i use for this tank?
the fishlist is: 5 zebra danios 5 black neons 5 harlequin rasboras 1pair of killies (aphosymeion if i spelled it right) and a pair of german rams. i will be planting the tank as well. i dont know yet about which plants.
Hi Not sure of the 'right' amount for that size tank but I have a 20uk gal and have 6 amano shrimps. I think they feel safer in groups and mine have been in there for months and no one bothers them and I see them all the time. Other fish I have are cories, platties, rasboras, neons and endlers. Hope this helps and probably someone with more experience may be able to give you more advice. Fabulous little creatures, I love mine!! :good:
I have a 19US gallon and have 10 - that number could easily be doubled though.
Take care that you plan to keep them with the right tankmates and no large / nippy or predatory fish. The German rams may or may not harrass them......
thanks folks.
i was just thinking about the chances of the rams eating the shrimp actually. i have african cichlids that i know would smile at me if i ever put shrimp in their tank. i have fed them live adult brine shrimp before and they went crazy. i will have to inquire about the rams' tendencies toward the same.
I have german blue rams with glass shrimp and they are fine together. I think about 8 amano shrimp would be a good number but you can always increase the number if needed or wanted.
so there doesnt seem to be a definitive answer to be had. i guess i will go with 8-10 shrimp, since they will then be in a group, and i think that will be enough to take care of the tank. thank you all.

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