One Quick Question


New Member
Feb 8, 2011
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Okay, so my platy has been in her own tank for a few days now, I have been doing a water change evry couple days ( I do not have a filter for this one). Anywas.. there is a lot of fish poop on the bottom of the tank again.. (the reason for doing changes and cleaning of the bottom) but I think she may have her babies REALLY soon.. would it be safe for me to do this cleaning now or should I wait? Id ont want it to be dirty when babies arrive. Thanks
You should have a filter on this tank as well. As you don't have one to nullify the ammonia it's very dangerous. It will be really dangerous for the fry, too.
I only have the one from the 10 gal. I actually transfered it over not long ago to use it for now.. But that leaves the others wihtout the filter. Thankfully I go to the city tomorrow so I can get another filter and some more plants!
Thank goodness for that. In the meantime I'd do a small water change just off the top. Don't chase the poo around the bottom to keep from stressing her as best you can.
Thanks.. I will do a small water change right now.
Good morning and welcome! Good luck with the fry. This Old Spouce is right, you need a filter. Without it you will have to do major water changes on a fry tank every day, sometimes more than once. :good:

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