One Parrot Chasing The Other!


Fish Crazy
Apr 7, 2008
Reaction score
USA, Colorado, Denver
I have three cute blood parrots. Last few days I notice one of them, the smaller, isnt out during feeding time. However, in the evening he does come out and all three are out and about. However, he is constantly being chased by the other blood parrot. It is annoying me because Im sure this fish is getting annoyed. I dont notice anything serious, no damage, and I know this is normal to some extent.

Is there anything I can do? i think the one is more territorial, should I re-arrange the decor (again!). As I type this message, I see him chase him even on the other side of the tank. I have 55gallon.

Your thoughts and advice is appreciated!
Right now Im noticing the chasing has stopped, but the smaller parrot isnt swimming much and is near the substrate on the other side, near the other parrot. Im tired of having to simply take back fish and loose $ on it, id rather find a better solution.

Any ideas? am I over-reacting?
I had the same problem and it got so bad i had to separate the two.. I had them in two tanks for about 7 months and then bought a 90g... thinking the fighting would stop... it didn't.... I would move things around and nothing worked.. They have been fighting for two months and finally have stopped fighting so much last week. Mine were only fighting in one spot of the tank so when they had enough they would go to their own space.. so I didn't separte them this time.

They need lots of hiding places or greens to hide their view from eachother when chasing. Another option is to add another BP in the tank to disperse the chaising.. ( i did that... didn't work as good as i thought but the do chase her a bit sometimes ) . If the chaising is soo bad and no mater where the chased blood parrot go he is still bothered by the chaser... then you might have to get rid of one. they are both prob males and fighting for tank space.. sometimes it will stay on one side of the tank... but if the stonger male wants the whole tank... he wont let up till the other one dies. As long as your bp are not stressed then It should be fine.

oh yes and if you never noticed fighting before.. see if the third bp has a egg tube... she might be ready to have eggs and causeing the males to fight for her.

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